aws-samples / amazon-sumerian-hosts

Amazon Sumerian Hosts (Hosts) is an experimental open source project that aims to make it easy to create interactive animated 3D characters for Babylon.js, three.js, and other web 3D frameworks. It leverages AWS services including Amazon Polly (text-to-speech) and Amazon Lex (chatbot).
MIT No Attribution
175 stars 80 forks source link

Publishing workflow is not triggering on the publishing of a release #163

Closed JuliaABurch closed 1 year ago

JuliaABurch commented 1 year ago


I believe that when a Release is created through the GitHub web portal, the created event will not be consistently fired. According to the documentation, workflows will not be triggered on create when the release is saved as a draft. Changing the event to released should allow people to manage releases through the GitHub web portal without needing to care whether the release was ever saved as a draft or not.

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