aws-samples / amazon-textract-textractor

Analyze documents with Amazon Textract and generate output in multiple formats.
Apache License 2.0
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Table cell, incorrectly, does not pick up the cell text/words. Page--> Line picks up the words as in the textract output #358

Open raidken opened 2 months ago

raidken commented 2 months ago

59766-textract-table.json In the Textract output file Cell id 3f98227c-2981-4cd5-b23c-bee82e96bb54 references three words but the code below returns null words in that cell.


query for the line id that references that same three words

for line in document.pages[6].lines:

line_list =list(filter(lambda line:"3f98227c-2981-4cd5-b23c-bee82e96bb54",document.pages[6].lines)) print (line_list[0].words)

return the three words [Operating, Segment, Information]

cell in the textract output references the same three words but the words or text returns null, incorrectly, for the cell.

table_n = document.pages[6].tables[1]

find cell and output words

for cell in table_n.table_cells: if"c23b7b9e-7b90-42d4-ad94-41caa8931417": print(cell.words)

return null

Belval commented 1 month ago

I am able to reproduce the issue, could you provide the original document for that response? It would make it easier to troubleshoot.