aws-samples / amazon-textract-textractor

Analyze documents with Amazon Textract and generate output in multiple formats.
Apache License 2.0
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issue regarding .to_markdown() method #380

Open red-sky17 opened 1 week ago

red-sky17 commented 1 week ago

since the new version release 1.8.0 we are not able to use the method .to_markdown() method.

The workflow we use is as follows (mainly used for pdfs):

using .to_markdown() method we are getting:

UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[36], line 1
----> 1 print(document.to_markdown())
      2 with open('using_markdown_testimage.txt', 'w', encoding = "utf-8") as outfile:
      3     outfile.write(document.to_markdown())

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in Linearizable.to_markdown(self, config)
     49 def to_markdown(
     50     self,
     51     config: MarkdownLinearizationConfig = MarkdownLinearizationConfig()
     52 ) -> str:
     53     """
     54     Returns the markdown representation of the entity
     56     :return: Markdown text of the entity
     57     :rtype: str
     58     """
---> 59     return self.get_text(config)

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in Linearizable.get_text(self, config)
     13 def get_text(
     14     self, config: TextLinearizationConfig = TextLinearizationConfig()
     15 ) -> str:
     16     """
     17     Returns the linearized text of the entity
     22     :rtype: str
     23     """
---> 24     text, _ = self.get_text_and_words(config=config)
     25     return text

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in Document.get_text_and_words(self, config)
    258 def get_text_and_words(
    259     self, config: TextLinearizationConfig = TextLinearizationConfig()
    260 ) -> Tuple[str, List]:
--> 261     text, words_lists = zip(*[p.get_text_and_words(config) for p in self.pages])
    262     flattened_words = []
    263     for words in words_lists:

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in <listcomp>(.0)
    258 def get_text_and_words(
    259     self, config: TextLinearizationConfig = TextLinearizationConfig()
    260 ) -> Tuple[str, List]:
--> 261     text, words_lists = zip(*[p.get_text_and_words(config) for p in self.pages])
    262     flattened_words = []
    263     for words in words_lists:

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in Page.get_text_and_words(self, config)
    166         else:
    167             sorted_layouts.append(unsorted_layout)
--> 169 page_texts_and_words = [l.get_text_and_words(config) for l in sorted_layouts]
    171 if not page_texts_and_words:
    172     return "", []

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in <listcomp>(.0)
    166         else:
    167             sorted_layouts.append(unsorted_layout)
--> 169 page_texts_and_words = [l.get_text_and_words(config) for l in sorted_layouts]
    171 if not page_texts_and_words:
    172     return "", []

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in Layout.get_text_and_words(self, config)
    218     final_text = (
    219         config.text_prefix + final_text + config.text_suffix
    220     )
    221 else:
--> 222     final_text, final_words = linearize_children(
    223         self.children,
    224         config,
    225         no_new_lines=False,
    226         is_layout_table=self.layout_type == LAYOUT_TABLE,
    227     )
    229     if config.add_prefixes_and_suffixes_in_text:
    230         if self.layout_type == LAYOUT_TABLE:

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/utils/, in linearize_children(elements, config, no_new_lines, is_layout_table)
    148 added_words = set()
    149 for idx, element in enumerate(sorted_group):
--> 150     text_element, words_element = element.get_text_and_words(config)
    151     if "Table" in element.__class__.__name__ and len(words_element):
    152         result += text_element

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/textractor/entities/, in Table.get_text_and_words(self, config)
   1030         text += (local_config.table_row_suffix if local_config.add_prefixes_and_suffixes_in_text else "")
   1031         text += local_config.table_row_separator
-> 1033 if local_config.table_add_title_as_caption and self.title:
   1034     text += "<caption>" + self.title.get_text() + "</caption>"
   1036 text += (local_config.table_suffix if local_config.add_prefixes_and_suffixes_in_text else "")

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'local_config' referenced before assignment

let me know if this is an issue from our side.

red-sky17 commented 1 week ago


Belval commented 1 week ago

This is an issue with 1.8.0, I'll release version 1.8.1 that addresses this issue as soon as the tests are passing.