aws-samples / amazon-textract-transformer-pipeline

Post-process Amazon Textract results with Hugging Face transformer models for document understanding
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Merge updated A2I UI to support/1.x #20

Closed athewsey closed 1 year ago

athewsey commented 1 year ago

Issue #, if available: N/A

Description of changes:

To date, the update of A2I review UI from initially launched basic inline HTML template, to more featureful Vue-based app (#10) has been kept on main only and not merged across to support/1.x: A conservative choice to keep the blog post screenshots as closely aligned as possible to the linked branch - even though the old HTML template is still available in the notebooks/review folder.

However with the upcoming merge of much bigger change #16, it's more valuable to update support/1.x to this most-recent-pre-LMv2+ checkpoint.

Testing done:

N/A: Proposing a fast-forward of support/1.x to sync with current main which is already default & active branch.

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