aws-samples / amazon-textract-transformer-pipeline

Post-process Amazon Textract results with Hugging Face transformer models for document understanding
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Update A2I dependencies and fix font translation in PDF rendering #31

Closed athewsey closed 1 year ago

athewsey commented 1 year ago

Issue #, if available: Fixes #30

Description of changes:

The PDF.js upgrade caused some issues because PDFViewer layout now appears to size only the <canvas> correctly for each page - with the containing potentially including additional space. Had to refactor the way our annotation overlay manages its sizing with a bit of an ugly hack to accommodate this. The viewer overall was also not properly detecting itself as visible, and therefore not initiating page renders, hence adding a little transparent border to force the viewer div to have some initial on-screen size.

Also (as noted in tsconfig.json) because of an open issue with vue-tsc, we've been able to upgrade to TypeScript v5 but are currently ignoring deprecation warnings and pinned to <5.5.

Testing done:

Built and deployed the UI to an existing pipeline (using Tesseract OCR) and tested in Amazon A2I in Firefox ESR. Page also tested locally in Chrome.

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