aws-samples / amazon-transcribe-live-call-analytics

Amazon Transcribe Live Call Analytics (LCA) Sample Solution
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fix sed command in the case you are deploying this from a mac #107

Closed mirodrr closed 8 months ago

mirodrr commented 8 months ago

Description of changes: The "./" script works 99% on mac, except that the "sed -i" command differers between mac and linux.

Added a few lines to detect the operating system, and use the mac version of the command if run from a mac. I verified that the script now works on mac with this small change

I know you may not officially support mac, but since it's so close to working, I hope you will merge this pull request anyway

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.

mirodrr commented 8 months ago

Having other issues, gonna abandon deploying on mac for now

rstrahan commented 8 months ago

Thanks.. please feel free to reopen if you get it building successfully on mac. Good luck!