Open ury opened 4 years ago
One problem found: the role template is using the deprecated policy "AmazonEC2SpotFleetRole" instead of the updated "AmazonEC2SpotFleetTaggingRole". Unfortunately, after fixing this, the stack still fails with the same error. I will continue investigating
VPCStack fails with the following message:
Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:stack/batch-genomics-pipeline-VPCStack-xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [RouteTable, SubnetB, SubnetC, SecurityGroup].
Hello Ury,
We will be deprecating this solution shorty for a new solution for secondary analysis. Would you be interested in beta testing? It will resolve this issue and get you end to end in minutes with a secondary analysis solution with full CI/CD - repos and deployment pipeline. If you are interested send me an email at and I will send you a link. I will try to find some time later this week to look into this issue.
Thank you for your response. With the help of taskcat, it looks like the number of subnets (in us-west-1) is the cause of this error. I've removed subnets B and C and I'm no longer getting the above error. Unfortunately (once again...), the script fails on the tool stack - this time without showing any error, neither in the Linux terminal nor in the CloudFormation console (which shows all stacks as "succeeded". The new solution sounds very interesting. I will contact you as you specified.
I'm trying to follow the tutorial too and I'm running into an error when importing the state machine into CloudFormation, that the ressources are AWS::IAM::Policy and AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine are not supported for resource import.
I replaced AWS::IAM::Policy by AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy because I assume it was renamed however I'm not sure with what to replace the StepFunctions.
The AWS Solution is now GA:
That's awesome thank you very much
Hi, batch-genomics-pipeline fails with the following error:
I don't see any further details. Did I miss a step? Any advice?
Thanks, Ury