aws-samples / aws-billing-conductor-sp-ri-benefit-utility

SAM application for creating Billing Conductor custom line items to distribute SP/RI benefits purchased outside of billing groups
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Tag based billing groups and allocation of Payer account level RI/SP benefits #3

Open benilgpj opened 1 month ago

benilgpj commented 1 month ago

We have a feature request for having billing groups to be created based on Tags than Accounts (or a combination) as there are many Accounts which has workloads used by different Cost Centers (departments / projects etc). This means not all resources in a given Account is part of a given Cost Center and a given Cost Center will have resources from different Accounts .

Also, ultimately the RI/SP benefits needs to be applied at a resource level (which we presume this is how it happens) and should be able to visualize the benefits application in the pro forma invoice that is based on a 'Cost Center' tag/tag based grouping. Not sure it this is a feature request for 'The Utility' or for ABC or for both, or if this is already available.


scottenriquez commented 1 month ago

@benilgpj, thank you so much for reaching out! Regarding the first paragraph, this is something that custom automation cannot address since it's part of the ABC product itself. However, for the second part, I do have some ideas on how to expand the code to be more granular using Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) data instead of the Cost Explorer API. I've reached out privately to schedule some time and will update this issue after we meet.