aws-samples / aws-blockchain-node-runners

Run blockchain nodes on cloud
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Add policy statement to s3VPCE to allow pulling from docker hub #3

Closed chrisdotn closed 1 year ago

chrisdotn commented 1 year ago

What does this PR do?

This PR opens the s3VPCE for docker pull commands, which fails otherwise.

docker-compose pulls the client images from docker hub. The s3VPC needs to allow those actions. Otherwise the pulls fail with HTTP 403 and the images don't get pulled. Adding the policy statement to the VPCE fixes this and allows pulling from docker hub.

The solution is adapted from another issue: Cannot pull images from dockerhub (403 Access Denied)


The 'erigion-lighthouse' configuration did not work without it.


For Moderators

Additional Notes

chrisdotn commented 1 year ago

Not for review: the relevant lines are 81–88, the other lines are formatting changes.