aws-samples / aws-cloudhsm-jce-examples

Sample applications demonstrating how to use the CloudHSM JCE
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Why the AWS local keystore file has symmetric and asymmetric keys? #66

Open arjunballa opened 1 year ago

arjunballa commented 1 year ago

I generated a keypair in Cloud HSM by giving a keystore file. I downloaded the keystore file and opened it in keystore explorer and I see symmetric and asymmetric key entries. As per AWS documentation, only the certificate corresponding to keypair is stored in the local keystore file.

I exported the private key but it is not complete. As the expected public is exportable and complete.

I assume, Cloud HSM maintains a reference to all the entries with partial key info. Is it correct?

Generate keypair with a certificate with store file

keytool -genkeypair -alias alias1  -keystore /home/user/my_cloudhsm/ ", OU=Research, O=Acme, L=XYZ, ST=CA, C=US" -storetype CLOUDHSM  -storepass password -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -sigalg sha512withrsa -validity 360  -dname  -J-classpath '-J/opt/cloudhsm/java/*' -J-Djava.library.path=/opt/cloudhsm/lib