Closed work-bw closed 4 months ago
Hello, please can you provide your summary view query? The resource view is limited to 30 days so it is not a good candidate for comparison.
Summary view:
, "month"
, "bill_billing_period_start_date" "billing_period"
, (CASE WHEN ("date_trunc"('month', "line_item_usage_start_date") >= ("date_trunc"('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '3' MONTH)) THEN "date_trunc"('day', "line_item_usage_start_date") ELSE "date_trunc"('month', "line_item_usage_start_date") END) "usage_date"
, "bill_payer_account_id" "payer_account_id"
, "line_item_usage_account_id" "linked_account_id"
, "bill_invoice_id" "invoice_id"
, "line_item_line_item_type" "charge_type"
, (CASE WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'DiscountedUsage') THEN 'Running_Usage' WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage') THEN 'Running_Usage' WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Usage') THEN 'Running_Usage' ELSE 'non_usage' END) "charge_category"
, (CASE WHEN ("savings_plan_savings_plan_a_r_n" <> '') THEN 'SavingsPlan' WHEN ("reservation_reservation_a_r_n" <> '') THEN 'Reserved' WHEN ("line_item_usage_type" LIKE '%Spot%') THEN 'Spot' ELSE 'OnDemand' END) "purchase_option"
, (CASE WHEN ("savings_plan_savings_plan_a_r_n" <> '') THEN "savings_plan_savings_plan_a_r_n" WHEN ("reservation_reservation_a_r_n" <> '') THEN "reservation_reservation_a_r_n" ELSE CAST('' AS varchar) END) "ri_sp_arn"
, "line_item_product_code" "product_code"
, "product_product_name" "product_name"
, (CASE WHEN (("bill_billing_entity" = 'AWS Marketplace') AND (NOT ("line_item_line_item_type" LIKE '%Discount%'))) THEN "Product_Product_Name" WHEN ("product_servicecode" = '') THEN "line_item_product_code" ELSE "product_servicecode" END) "service"
, "product_product_family" "product_family"
, "line_item_usage_type" "usage_type"
, "line_item_operation" "operation"
, "line_item_line_item_description" "item_description"
, "line_item_availability_zone" "availability_zone"
, "product_region" "region"
, (CASE WHEN (("line_item_usage_type" LIKE '%Spot%') AND ("line_item_product_code" = 'AmazonEC2') AND ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Usage')) THEN "split_part"("line_item_line_item_description", '.', 1) ELSE "product_instance_type_family" END) "instance_type_family"
, (CASE WHEN (("line_item_usage_type" LIKE '%Spot%') AND ("line_item_product_code" = 'AmazonEC2') AND ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Usage')) THEN "split_part"("line_item_line_item_description", ' ', 1) ELSE "product_instance_type" END) "instance_type"
, (CASE WHEN (("line_item_usage_type" LIKE '%Spot%') AND ("line_item_product_code" = 'AmazonEC2') AND ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Usage')) THEN "split_part"("split_part"("line_item_line_item_description", ' ', 2), '/', 1) ELSE "product_operating_system" END) "platform"
, "product_tenancy" "tenancy"
, "product_physical_processor" "processor"
, "product_processor_features" "processor_features"
, "product_database_engine" "database_engine"
, "product_group" "product_group"
, "product_from_location" "product_from_location"
, "product_to_location" "product_to_location"
, "product_current_generation" "current_generation"
, "line_item_legal_entity" "legal_entity"
, "bill_billing_entity" "billing_entity"
, "pricing_unit" "pricing_unit"
, approx_distinct("Line_item_resource_id") "resource_id_count"
, sum((CASE WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage') THEN "line_item_usage_amount" WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'DiscountedUsage') THEN "line_item_usage_amount" WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Usage') THEN "line_item_usage_amount" ELSE 0 END)) "usage_quantity"
, sum("line_item_unblended_cost") "unblended_cost"
, sum((CASE WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage') THEN "savings_plan_savings_plan_effective_cost" WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanRecurringFee') THEN ("savings_plan_total_commitment_to_date" - "savings_plan_used_commitment") WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanNegation') THEN 0 WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanUpfrontFee') THEN 0 WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'DiscountedUsage') THEN "reservation_effective_cost" WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'RIFee') THEN ("reservation_unused_amortized_upfront_fee_for_billing_period" + "reservation_unused_recurring_fee") WHEN (("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Fee') AND ("reservation_reservation_a_r_n" <> '')) THEN 0 ELSE "line_item_unblended_cost" END)) "amortized_cost"
, sum((CASE WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanRecurringFee') THEN -("savings_plan_amortized_upfront_commitment_for_billing_period") WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'RIFee') THEN -("reservation_amortized_upfront_fee_for_billing_period") ELSE 0 END)) "ri_sp_trueup"
, sum((CASE WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" = 'SavingsPlanUpfrontFee') THEN "line_item_unblended_cost" WHEN (("line_item_line_item_type" = 'Fee') AND ("reservation_reservation_a_r_n" <> '')) THEN "line_item_unblended_cost" ELSE 0 END)) "ri_sp_upfront_fees"
, sum((CASE WHEN ("line_item_line_item_type" <> 'SavingsPlanNegation') THEN "pricing_public_on_demand_cost" ELSE 0 END)) "public_cost"
WHERE (("bill_billing_period_start_date" >= ("date_trunc"('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '12' MONTH)) AND (CAST("concat"("year", '-', "month", '-01') AS date) >= ("date_trunc"('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '12' MONTH)))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Resource view (I keep 90 days):
"date_trunc"('day', "line_item_usage_start_date") "usage_date"
, "resource_tags_user_flyway_env" "tag_flyway_env"
, "resource_tags_user_flyway_line_of_business" "tag_flyway_line_of_business"
, "resource_tags_user_flyway_app_name" "tag_flyway_app_name"
, "bill_payer_account_id" "payer_account_id"
, "line_item_usage_account_id" "linked_account_id"
, "bill_billing_entity" "billing_entity"
, "product_product_name" "product_name"
, "line_item_resource_id" "resource_id"
, "line_item_product_code" "product_code"
, "line_item_operation" "operation"
, "line_item_line_item_type" "charge_type"
, "line_item_usage_type" "usage_type"
, "pricing_unit" "pricing_unit"
, "product_region" "region"
, "line_item_line_item_description" "item_description"
, "line_item_legal_entity" "legal_entity"
, "pricing_term" "pricing_term"
, "product_database_engine" "database_engine"
, "product_deployment_option" "product_deployment_option"
, "product_from_location" "product_from_location"
, "product_group" "product_group"
, "product_instance_type" "instance_type"
, "product_instance_type_family" "instance_type_family"
, "product_operating_system" "platform"
, "product_product_family" "product_family"
, "product_servicecode" "service"
, "product_storage" "product_storage"
, "product_to_location" "product_to_location"
, "product_volume_api_name" "product_volume_api_name"
, "reservation_reservation_a_r_n" "reservation_a_r_n"
, "savings_plan_savings_plan_a_r_n" "savings_plan_a_r_n"
, "sum"("savings_plan_savings_plan_effective_cost") savings_plan_effective_cost
, "sum"("reservation_effective_cost") reservation_effective_cost
, "sum"("line_item_usage_amount") "usage_quantity"
, "sum"("line_item_unblended_cost") unblended_cost
WHERE (((current_date - INTERVAL '90' DAY) <= line_item_usage_start_date) AND (line_item_resource_id <> ''))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Since the data I'm looking for is last month, I would have thought that summary_view or resource_view would both provide accurate values that match up with the Athena query as my resource_view keeps 90 days.
Summary view includes all line_item_line_item_type/charge_type
fields including all your discounts. This is why your Summary view sum is smaller. You can add identical filters in QuickSight (charge_type
in ['Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage'] ) to compare.
For performance reasons resource_view
explicitly exclude all line items without resource_id
so it should not be used for comparing unless you reproduce the same filter in Athena.
summary_view/unblended_cost= 493.91
resource_view/unblended_cost= 715.15
Athena query for unblended_cost= 783.07
My bill shows Charges by Service 608.26 and Savings Plan Discounts (175.07).
I would expect my unblended cost to be 608.26 + 175.07 = 783.33.
Can you tell me why unblended cost for summary_view or resource_view don't match up with what Athena says is unblended cost? The Athena query seems to be the correct value. Shouldn't my unblended costs be 783.33 in resource_view, summary_view and Athena?