aws-samples / aws-genai-conversational-rag-reference

AWS Generative AI Conversational RAG Reference (Galileo)
Apache License 2.0
63 stars 21 forks source link

feat: add support for multiple embedding models #126

Closed chn217 closed 1 month ago

chn217 commented 1 month ago


This pull request implements the support for multiple embedding models. It enables customers to set up multiple embedding models as supported by AutoModels in a single deployment. Each embedding model is backed by a separate table in the PostgreSQL database. A new field named 'modelRefKey' is added to the embedding model entity to uniquely identify the embedding models.

Deploy Flow: Customers will need to specify how many embedding models they want to support. Within each model, they need to specify the modelRefKey for each model.

Document Upload Flow: Customers also need to specify the modelRefKey to indicate which embedding model to use.

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The PR has been tested on my own test environment.

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