aws-samples / aws-genai-llm-chatbot

A modular and comprehensive solution to deploy a Multi-LLM and Multi-RAG powered chatbot (Amazon Bedrock, Anthropic, HuggingFace, OpenAI, Meta, AI21, Cohere, Mistral) using AWS CDK on AWS
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Condition disappear for Idefics activation #477

Open hghandri opened 2 months ago

hghandri commented 2 months ago


since release version 4.0.3 it seems there is condition disappeared for Idefics Interface activation or not.

You can compare this latest version with previous one like v4.0.3 at the same line :

is it normal or a mistake ? In my case I cannot not deploy anymore due this new resource not available before and it need a default security group ID for private VPC endpoint. This happened when VPC already exist, it seems the method "ec2.Vpc.fromLookup" does not detect a default security group.

Here the impact :

This property "props.shared.vpc.vpcDefaultSecurityGroup" should contains a default security group ID. For an existing VPC this value seems to be blank.

This condition impact also ResourcePath for NagSuppressions.

Best regards,

hghandri commented 2 months ago


anyone could check this issue ?

KietNgoTuan commented 1 month ago

Hello @hghandri i had the same error when using the existing VPC with Idefics Interface can not find the default security group ID. Do you find the solution about this problem ?

hghandri commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @KietNgoTuan

I've changed a little bit the code to handle this issue. I pushed a branch on my fork repository :

That change need to add a configuration in bin/config.json file like this :

You have to set explicitly your default Security Group.

"vpc": {
    "vpcId": "vpc-xxxxx",
    "createVpcEndpoints": false,
    **"vpcDefaultSecurityGroup": "sg-xxxxx"**


hghandri commented 4 weeks ago

I've just opened a PR : #498