aws-samples / aws-health-aware

AHA is an incident management & communication framework to provide real-time alert customers when there are active AWS event(s). For customers with AWS Organizations, customers can get aggregated active account level events of all the accounts in the Organization. Customers not using AWS Organizations still benefit alerting at the account level.
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Support more filtering on event types #34

Open lukerosser opened 2 years ago

lukerosser commented 2 years ago

At the moment the event types can only be filtered as "all" or "issue":

It should be possible to filter these more granularly:

Request to allow passing in any combination of valid event types to filter on

neilfarmer commented 1 year ago

I would like to see this functionality enabled as well specifically to exclude certain events.

I have an environment of 100+ accounts and support numerous internal teams. AHA (Terraform provisioned) is being used to centrally show events/issues via slack to all my internal teams. I see a lot of notifications about Cloudshell expirations and would like to be able to exclude these from showing up in slack (or any other messaging service). These Cloudshell notifications are noisy.

Thanks for making this tool, its pretty awesome and easy to setup!


andrewcr7 commented 3 weeks ago

Confirming the primary request is to allow any combination the Event Type Categories "issue", "scheduledChange" and "accountNotification" e.g [issue,accountNotification] vs [scheduledChange,accountNotification]?

@neilfarmer for individual eventTypeCode filtering, EventBridge rules are the most extensible for this purpose and this works well in AWS User Notifications especially when using you want multiple endpoints/channels (discrete recipients). I posted about this recently on AWS re:Post Developing a high-specificity AWS Health event strategy with AWS User Notifications