aws-samples / aws-iam-access-key-auto-rotation

This set of CloudFormation templates and Python scripts will set up an auto-rotation function that will automatically rotate your AWS IAM User Access Keys every 90 days.
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Runbook has several confusing or completely contradictory statements and complimentary images #32

Open botscholar-scott opened 4 months ago

botscholar-scott commented 4 months ago

I cloned the repo and in my Lambda subdirectory there are only three zip files. Yet, step 3.0 of the "ASA IAM Key Rotation Runbook(v3).pdf" it shows a picture that has these zips and directories with their names. Is there a step missing where I should have extracted these zip files? It also has a sub-heading of "Project files included in the zip:" but this stuff was cloned from github.

Later in the Runbook it shows a screen capture of copying things into a lambdacoderepo1221155/asa/asa-iam-rotation/ but then in step 4.2 Step 3 it shows a picture of ****-demo-bucket-iam-key-rotation. What is the form of this CloudFormation S3 Bucket Name? Using your example should this something like s3://lambdacoderepo1221155?

For 4.2 Step 4 the Runbook says "For Permissions, select 'Service-managed permissions'..." but shows a screen shot that selects 'Self service permissions' with an IAM role name of AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole and an IAM execution role name.

botscholar-scott commented 4 months ago

Here are several other errors/contradictions/missing information: