aws-samples / aws-iot-core-lorawan

Quickly get started with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN with sample solutions (binary decoding, device and gateway monitoring, downlink, dashboarding, provisioning automation)
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Add two LoraWan Sensors currently not supported #30

Open AlbertFabritiusV opened 2 years ago

AlbertFabritiusV commented 2 years ago


following indications from the AWS Workshop, I was hoping the following Sensors could be added as end devices for LoraWan: LSN50 v2 (Distance Sensor) LDDS75-8 (Temperature Sensor)

Thanks in advance!

Best, Albert

thomasphorton commented 2 years ago

Hi! Do you have these sensors available? If we have sample payloads to work with/test on, we can probably get them added.

I started implementing the LSN50v2, but mine only had the three DS1820s attached to it so selfishly, I only did that part. Dragino has an example in JS that should be straightforward to port to Python:

AlbertFabritiusV commented 2 years ago

Hi Thomas, I have one json, will have to connect to get the other one later. In any case, I connected the devices first to TTN, then used with their CloudFormation Stack to integrate to AWS.

Hope it helps! Sensor 2.txt