aws-samples / aws-lambda-ddns-function

Dynamically create Route 53 resource records using CloudWatch Events and Lambda
Apache License 2.0
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Tried to modify the Split horizon version now getting error. #9

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

The error I am receiving is:

local variable 'public_ip' referenced before assignment

I modified the 4 lines in the CNAME section so that it would create A records instead of CNAME records. Below is my current code.

import json
import boto3
import re
import uuid
import time
import random
from datetime import datetime

print('Loading function ' +
route53 = boto3.client('route53')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
compute = boto3.client('ec2')
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
dynamodb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    """ Check to see whether a DynamoDB table already exists.  If not, create it.  This table is used to keep a record of
    instances that have been created along with their attributes.  This is necessary because when you terminate an instance
    its attributes are no longer available, so they have to be fetched from the table."""
    tables = dynamodb_client.list_tables()
    if 'DDNS' in tables['TableNames']:
        print 'DynamoDB table already exists'
                    'AttributeName': 'InstanceId',
                    'AttributeType': 'S'
                    'AttributeName': 'InstanceId',
                    'KeyType': 'HASH'
                'ReadCapacityUnits': 4,
                'WriteCapacityUnits': 4

    # Set variables
    # Get the state from the Event stream
    state = event['detail']['state']

    # Get the instance id, region, and tag collection
    instance_id = event['detail']['instance-id']
    region = event['region']
    table = dynamodb_resource.Table('DDNS')

    time.sleep (80)

    if state == 'running':
        instance = compute.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
        # Remove response metadata from the response
        # Remove null values from the response.  You cannot save a dict/JSON document in DynamoDB if it contains null
        # values
        instance = remove_empty_from_dict(instance)
        instance_dump = json.dumps(instance,default=json_serial)
        instance_attributes = json.loads(instance_dump)
                'InstanceId': instance_id,
                'InstanceAttributes': instance_attributes
        # Fetch item from DynamoDB
        instance = table.get_item(
            'InstanceId': instance_id
        instance = instance['Item']['InstanceAttributes']

        tags = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['Tags']
        tags = []
    # Get instance attributes
    private_ip = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['PrivateIpAddress']
    private_dns_name = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['PrivateDnsName']
    private_host_name = private_dns_name.split('.')[0]
        public_ip = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['PublicIpAddress']
        public_dns_name = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['PublicDnsName']
        public_host_name = public_dns_name.split('.')[0]
    except BaseException as e:
        print 'Instance has no public IP or host name', e

    # Get the subnet mask of the instance
    subnet_id = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['SubnetId']
    subnet = ec2.Subnet(subnet_id)
    cidr_block = subnet.cidr_block
    subnet_mask = int(cidr_block.split('/')[-1])

    reversed_ip_address = reverse_list(private_ip)
    reversed_domain_prefix = get_reversed_domain_prefix(subnet_mask, private_ip)
    reversed_domain_prefix = reverse_list(reversed_domain_prefix)

    # Set the reverse lookup zone
    reversed_lookup_zone = reversed_domain_prefix + ''
    print 'The reverse lookup zone for this instance is:', reversed_lookup_zone

    # Get VPC id
    vpc_id = instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['VpcId']
    vpc = ec2.Vpc(vpc_id)

    # Are DNS Hostnames and DNS Support enabled?
    if is_dns_hostnames_enabled(vpc):
        print 'DNS hostnames enabled for %s' % vpc_id
        print 'DNS hostnames disabled for %s.  You have to enable DNS hostnames to use Route 53 private hosted zones.' % vpc_id
    if is_dns_support_enabled(vpc):
        print 'DNS support enabled for %s' % vpc_id
        print 'DNS support disabled for %s.  You have to enabled DNS support to use Route 53 private hosted zones.' % vpc_id

    # Create the public and private hosted zone collections.  These are collections of zones in Route 53.
    hosted_zones = route53.list_hosted_zones()
    private_hosted_zones = filter(lambda x: x['Config']['PrivateZone'] is True, hosted_zones['HostedZones'])
    private_hosted_zone_collection = map(lambda x: x['Name'], private_hosted_zones)
    public_hosted_zones = filter(lambda x: x['Config']['PrivateZone'] is False, hosted_zones['HostedZones'])
    public_hosted_zones_collection = map(lambda x: x['Name'], public_hosted_zones)
    # Check to see whether a reverse lookup zone for the instance already exists.  If it does, check to see whether
    # the reverse lookup zone is associated with the instance's VPC.  If it isn't create the association.  You don't
    # need to do this when you create the reverse lookup zone because the association is done automatically.
    if filter(lambda record: record['Name'] == reversed_lookup_zone, hosted_zones['HostedZones']):
        print 'Reverse lookup zone found:', reversed_lookup_zone
        reverse_lookup_zone_id = get_zone_id(reversed_lookup_zone, 'Private')
        reverse_hosted_zone_properties = get_hosted_zone_properties(reverse_lookup_zone_id)
        if vpc_id in map(lambda x: x['VPCId'], reverse_hosted_zone_properties['VPCs']):
            print 'Reverse lookup zone %s is associated with VPC %s' % (reverse_lookup_zone_id, vpc_id)
            print 'Associating zone %s with VPC %s' % (reverse_lookup_zone_id, vpc_id)
                associate_zone(reverse_lookup_zone_id, region, vpc_id)
            except BaseException as e:
                print e
        print 'No matching reverse lookup zone'
        # create private hosted zone for reverse lookups
        if state == 'running':
            create_reverse_lookup_zone(instance, reversed_domain_prefix, region)
            reverse_lookup_zone_id = get_zone_id(reversed_lookup_zone, 'Private')
    # Wait a random amount of time.  This is a poor-mans back-off if a lot of instances are launched all at once.

    # Loop through the instance's tags, looking for the zone and cname tags.  If either of these tags exist, check
    # to make sure that the name is valid.  If it is and if there's a matching zone in DNS, create A and PTR records.
    for tag in tags:
        if 'ZONE' in tag.get('Key',{}).lstrip().upper():
            if is_valid_hostname(tag.get('Value')):
                if tag.get('Value').lstrip().lower() in private_hosted_zone_collection:
                    print 'Private zone found:', tag.get('Value')
                    private_hosted_zone_name = tag.get('Value').lstrip().lower()
                    private_hosted_zone_id = get_zone_id(private_hosted_zone_name, 'Private')
                    private_hosted_zone_properties = get_hosted_zone_properties(private_hosted_zone_id)
                    if state == 'running':
                        if vpc_id in map(lambda x: x['VPCId'], private_hosted_zone_properties['VPCs']):
                            print 'Private hosted zone %s is associated with VPC %s' % (private_hosted_zone_id, vpc_id)
                            print 'Associating zone %s with VPC %s' % (private_hosted_zone_id, vpc_id)
                                associate_zone(private_hosted_zone_id, region, vpc_id)
                            except BaseException as e:
                                print 'You cannot create an association with a VPC with an overlapping subdomain.\n', e
                            create_resource_record(private_hosted_zone_id, private_host_name, private_hosted_zone_name, 'A', private_ip)
                            create_resource_record(reverse_lookup_zone_id, reversed_ip_address, '', 'PTR', private_dns_name)
                        except BaseException as e:
                            print e
                            delete_resource_record(private_hosted_zone_id, private_host_name, private_hosted_zone_name, 'A', private_ip)
                            delete_resource_record(reverse_lookup_zone_id, reversed_ip_address, '', 'PTR', private_dns_name)
                        except BaseException as e:
                            print e
                    # create PTR record
                # Changed from elif to if
                if tag.get('Value').lstrip().lower() in public_hosted_zones_collection:
                    print 'Public zone found', tag.get('Value')
                    public_hosted_zone_name = tag.get('Value').lstrip().lower()
                    public_hosted_zone_id = get_zone_id(public_hosted_zone_name, 'Public')
                    # create A record in public zone
                    if state =='running':
                            create_resource_record(public_hosted_zone_id, public_host_name, public_hosted_zone_name, 'A', public_ip)
                        except BaseException as e:
                            print e
                            delete_resource_record(public_hosted_zone_id, public_host_name, public_hosted_zone_name, 'A', public_ip)
                        except BaseException as e:
                            print e
                #    print 'No matching zone found for %s' % tag.get('Value')
                print '%s is not a valid host name' % tag.get('Value')
        # Consider making this an elif CNAME
            print 'The tag \'%s\' is not a zone tag' % tag.get('Key')
        if 'CNAME'in tag.get('Key',{}).lstrip().upper():
            if is_valid_hostname(tag.get('Value')):
                cname = tag.get('Value').lstrip().lower()
                cname_host_name = cname.split('.')[0]
                cname_domain_suffix = cname[cname.find('.')+1:]
                cname_domain_suffix_id = get_zone_id(cname_domain_suffix, 'Private')
                for cname_private_hosted_zone in private_hosted_zone_collection:
                    cname_private_hosted_zone_id = get_zone_id(cname_private_hosted_zone, 'Private')
                    if cname_domain_suffix_id == cname_private_hosted_zone_id:
                        if cname.endswith(cname_private_hosted_zone):
                            #create CNAME record in private zone
                            if state == 'running':
                                    create_resource_record(cname_private_hosted_zone_id, cname_host_name, cname_private_hosted_zone, 'A', private_ip)
                                except BaseException as e:
                                    print e
                                    delete_resource_record(cname_private_hosted_zone_id, cname_host_name, cname_private_hosted_zone, 'A', private_ip)
                                except BaseException as e:
                                    print e
                for cname_public_hosted_zone in public_hosted_zones_collection:
                    if cname.endswith(cname_public_hosted_zone):
                        cname_public_hosted_zone_id = get_zone_id(cname_public_hosted_zone, 'Public')
                        #create CNAME record in public zone
                        if state == 'running':
                                create_resource_record(cname_public_hosted_zone_id, cname_host_name, cname_public_hosted_zone, 'A', public_ip)
                            except BaseException as e:
                                print e
                                delete_resource_record(cname_public_hosted_zone_id, cname_host_name, cname_public_hosted_zone, 'A', public_ip)
                            except BaseException as e:
                                print e
    # Is there a DHCP option set?
    # Get DHCP option set configuration
        dhcp_options_id = vpc.dhcp_options_id
        dhcp_configurations = get_dhcp_configurations(dhcp_options_id)
    except BaseException as e:
        print 'No DHCP option set assigned to this VPC\n', e
    # Look to see whether there's a DHCP option set assigned to the VPC.  If there is, use the value of the domain name
    # to create resource records in the appropriate Route 53 private hosted zone. This will also check to see whether
    # there's an association between the instance's VPC and the private hosted zone.  If there isn't, it will create it.
    for configuration in dhcp_configurations:
        if configuration[0] in private_hosted_zone_collection:
            private_hosted_zone_name = configuration[0]
            print 'Private zone found %s' % private_hosted_zone_name
            # TODO need a way to prevent overlapping subdomains
            private_hosted_zone_id = get_zone_id(private_hosted_zone_name, 'Private')
            private_hosted_zone_properties = get_hosted_zone_properties(private_hosted_zone_id)
            # create A records and PTR records
            if state == 'running':
                if vpc_id in map(lambda x: x['VPCId'], private_hosted_zone_properties['VPCs']):
                    print 'Private hosted zone %s is associated with VPC %s' % (private_hosted_zone_id, vpc_id)
                    print 'Associating zone %s with VPC %s' % (private_hosted_zone_id, vpc_id)
                        associate_zone(private_hosted_zone_id, region,vpc_id)
                    except BaseException as e:
                        print 'You cannot create an association with a VPC with an overlapping subdomain.\n', e
                    create_resource_record(private_hosted_zone_id, private_host_name, private_hosted_zone_name, 'A', private_ip)
                    create_resource_record(reverse_lookup_zone_id, reversed_ip_address, '', 'PTR', private_dns_name)
                except BaseException as e:
                    print e
                    delete_resource_record(private_hosted_zone_id, private_host_name, private_hosted_zone_name, 'A', private_ip)
                    delete_resource_record(reverse_lookup_zone_id, reversed_ip_address, '', 'PTR', private_dns_name)
                except BaseException as e:
                    print e
            print 'No matching zone for %s' % configuration[0]

def create_resource_record(zone_id, host_name, hosted_zone_name, type, value):
    """This function creates resource records in the hosted zone passed by the calling function."""
    print 'Updating %s record %s in zone %s ' % (type, host_name, hosted_zone_name)
    if host_name[-1] != '.':
        host_name = host_name + '.'
                    "Comment": "Updated by Lambda DDNS",
                    "Changes": [
                            "Action": "UPSERT",
                            "ResourceRecordSet": {
                                "Name": host_name + hosted_zone_name,
                                "Type": type,
                                "TTL": 60,
                                "ResourceRecords": [
                                        "Value": value

def delete_resource_record(zone_id, host_name, hosted_zone_name, type, value):
    """This function deletes resource records from the hosted zone passed by the calling function."""
    print 'Deleting %s record %s in zone %s' % (type, host_name, hosted_zone_name)
    if host_name[-1] != '.':
        host_name = host_name + '.'
                    "Comment": "Updated by Lambda DDNS",
                    "Changes": [
                            "Action": "DELETE",
                            "ResourceRecordSet": {
                                "Name": host_name + hosted_zone_name,
                                "Type": type,
                                "TTL": 60,
                                "ResourceRecords": [
                                        "Value": value
def get_zone_id(zone_name, zone_type):
    """This function returns the zone id for the zone name that's passed into the function."""
    #TODO determine which zone ID to return based on the calling function
    if zone_name[-1] != '.':
        zone_name = zone_name + '.'
    hosted_zones = route53.list_hosted_zones()
    if zone_type == 'Private':
        x = filter(lambda record: record['Name'] == zone_name and record['Config']['PrivateZone'] == True, hosted_zones['HostedZones'])
    if zone_type == 'Public':
        x = filter(lambda record: record['Name'] == zone_name and record['Config']['PrivateZone'] == False, hosted_zones['HostedZones'])
        zone_id_long = x[0]['Id']
        zone_id = str.split(str(zone_id_long),'/')[2]
        return zone_id
        return None

def is_valid_hostname(hostname):
    """This function checks to see whether the hostname entered into the zone and cname tags is a valid hostname."""
    if hostname is None or len(hostname) > 255:
        return False
    if hostname[-1] == ".":
        hostname = hostname[:-1]
    allowed = re.compile("(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(?<!-)$", re.IGNORECASE)
    return all(allowed.match(x) for x in hostname.split("."))

def get_dhcp_configurations(dhcp_options_id):
    """This function returns the names of the zones/domains that are in the option set."""
    zone_names = []
    dhcp_options = ec2.DhcpOptions(dhcp_options_id)
    dhcp_configurations = dhcp_options.dhcp_configurations
    for configuration in dhcp_configurations:
        zone_names.append(map(lambda x: x['Value'] + '.', configuration['Values']))
    return zone_names

def reverse_list(list):
    """Reverses the order of the instance's IP address and helps construct the reverse lookup zone name."""
    if ('\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}',list)) or ('\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\.',list)) or ('\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\.',list)) or ('\d{1,3}\.',list)):
        list = str.split(str(list),'.')
        list = filter(None, list)
        reversed_list = ''
        for item in list:
            reversed_list = reversed_list + item + '.'
        return reversed_list
        print 'Not a valid ip'

def get_reversed_domain_prefix(subnet_mask, private_ip):
    """Uses the mask to get the zone prefix for the reverse lookup zone"""
    if 32 >= subnet_mask >= 24:
        third_octet ='\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.',private_ip)
    elif 24 > subnet_mask >= 16:
        second_octet ='\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.', private_ip)
        first_octet ='\d{1,3}.', private_ip)

def create_reverse_lookup_zone(instance, reversed_domain_prefix, region):
    """Creates the reverse lookup zone."""
    print 'Creating reverse lookup zone %s' % reversed_domain_prefix + ''
        Name = reversed_domain_prefix + '',
        VPC = {
            'VPCId': instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['VpcId']
            'Comment': 'Updated by Lambda DDNS',

def json_serial(obj):
    """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code"""
    if isinstance(obj, datetime):
        serial = obj.isoformat()
        return serial
    raise TypeError ("Type not serializable")

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    """Removes empty keys from dictionary"""
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, remove_empty_from_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v))
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v)]
        return d

def associate_zone(hosted_zone_id, region, vpc_id):
    """Associates private hosted zone with VPC"""
            'VPCRegion': region,
            'VPCId': vpc_id
        Comment='Updated by Lambda DDNS'

def is_dns_hostnames_enabled(vpc):
    dns_hostnames_enabled = vpc.describe_attribute(
    return dns_hostnames_enabled['EnableDnsHostnames']['Value']

def is_dns_support_enabled(vpc):
    dns_support_enabled = vpc.describe_attribute(
    return dns_support_enabled['EnableDnsSupport']['Value']

def get_hosted_zone_properties(zone_id):
    hosted_zone_properties = route53.get_hosted_zone(Id=zone_id)
    return hosted_zone_properties
jicowan commented 7 years ago

You can't create a CNAME record without an A record. If you want to create a CNAME for the instance add a CNAME tag to the instance. The function will use the value you assign to CNAME to create a CNAME record in Route 53.

ghost commented 7 years ago

You misunderstand my goal. I have instances in peered VPC's. Amazon's DNS cannot resolve CNAMES when they are pointing to instances that are in a peered VPC. Therefore, I don't want the script to work the way it was originally intended.

Let's say a bring up a new server which has a CNAME tag of Originally the created an A record like this: ip-10-10-0-10 A, then creates a CNAME that would point to that A record. What I want is just an A record like this: A No CNAME record needed.

I tried getting help on how to modify the code here: But was only told that it would be possible.

ghost commented 7 years ago

The way I have it does work, but only for the Private IP address. In those occasions where my instance is in a public subnet, it does not work.

jicowan commented 7 years ago

I believe you can use the ZONE tag to create an A and CNAME record in a different hosted zone. This function, as written, does not allow you to configure the server's hostname. It will always use the hostname assigned to it by the VPC, or The way to workaround this is to create a CNAME for the server.

jicowan commented 7 years ago

There is a loop in the function that loops through the tags assigned to the instance. It start with for tag in tags. You can use that looping construct to find a particular tag and it's corresponding value and pass that to the method that creates the resource record.

ghost commented 7 years ago

That is exactly what I am trying to do! I modified the code that would normally create the CNAME and asked it to create an A record instead. AND IT DOES CREATE an A record like this: A


It throws a php error local variable 'public_ip' referenced before assignment


If the instance is in a PUBLIC subnet, it does not work.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 7:55 PM, Jeremy Cowan wrote:

There is a loop in the function that loops through the tags assigned to the instance. It start with for tag in tags. You can use that looping construct to find a particular tag and it's corresponding value and pass that to the method that creates the resource record.

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-- Laurie Kepford Cloud DevOps Engineer Panoramic Software 760-712-2266

jicowan commented 7 years ago

You need to update the code that creates the resource record, e.g. create_resource_record(private_hosted_zone_id, private_host_name, private_hosted_zone_name, 'A', private_ip). Replace private_ip with the variable you use for the hostname. If you're planning to do this, you can remove the logic to create CNAMEs. You can probably delete the reverse lookup zone logic too. I created that for EMR because earlier versions of EMR required reverse lookups.

miqueltango commented 7 years ago

Very nice script.

Is it possible to pass in the "value" of "ZONE" tag as the hostname?

jicowan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't design the function to use the ZONE tag to assign the hostname. You could modify the function to use a tag to assign the hostname, however, you should probably use the hostname assigned to the instance by the OS and use that to update Route 53.

sasidharkanumuri commented 5 years ago

@jicowan , this is a wonderful script! But, when I try to create a CNAME record like (in private hosted zone Route 53), the script doesn't create a CNAME record. Instead the script runs just perfect when the hostname is of 3 levels like host.internal.example

Any suggestions where to make changes and what changes are to made Thanks!

jicowan commented 5 years ago

hi @sasidharkanumuri, i didn't really account for that when i wrote this script. the script assumes that you want to use a different hostname for the alias. did you try using for the CNAME tag?