aws-samples / aws-organizations-tag-inventory

This project provides a solution to AWS customers for reporting on what tags exists, the resources they are applied to, and what resources don't have tags across their entire AWS organization. The solution is designed to be deployed in an AWS Organization with multiple accounts.
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Fails during stack creation #14

Open peegee123 opened 2 months ago

peegee123 commented 2 months ago

I've managed to create the Central stack but when I try to create a Spoke I get this failure:

aws-organizations-tag-inventory-spoke-stack: creating CloudFormation changeset... 10:59:42 | CREATE_FAILED | Custom::ResourceExplorerIndex | spokeMyIndexresour...omresource40170C84 Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Region is missing

Logs: /aws/lambda/aws-organizations-tag-inv-comamazonawscdkcustomres-fQHE9mOINjVY

at resolveRegionConfig (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/@smithy/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/resolveRegionConfig.js:9:15) at new ResourceExplorer2Client (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-resource-explorer-2/dist-cjs/ResourceExplorer2Client.js:22:69) at turnOnIndexForRegion (/var/task/index.js:2626:54) at Runtime.onEvent [as handler] (/var/task/index.js:2593:13) at Runtime.handleOnceNonStreaming (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1173:29) (RequestId: f1f649cb-284f-41df-ae21-02d6d76e0030)

This is when using node v18.18.2 and npm 9.5.1 Any ideas ?

gdunkle commented 2 months ago

@peegee123 What region are you attempting to deploy the spoke stack to?

peegee123 commented 2 months ago

@peegee123 What region are you attempting to deploy the spoke stack to? eu-west-1 I'm using that region for everything at present.