aws-samples / aws-panorama-samples

This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of AWS Panorama device and the Panorama SDK
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Test Utility and ARM preferences for Kinesis sample - CloudFormation link & template: instance Create fails in region: ca-central-1 #102

Open tonepilot opened 7 months ago

tonepilot commented 7 months ago

The CF template itself does include an ami for ca-central-1.

I should first ask if this Panorama product & repo is still active?

Running the template fails in the Create Instance ... so forget preferred env for the moment ... tried using simple JupyterLabs:

As far as I can tell, Sagemaker images in ca-central-1 do not support ARM in any case! Is this a Canada availability issue? Which should I select when I create my notebook, if ARM is to be preferred? Your github note strongly suggests: It is highly recommended to use ARM64 based EC2 instance for the Test Utility.

Thanks for your time.