aws-samples / aws-parallelcluster-monitoring

Monitoring Dashboard for AWS ParallelCluster
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Add quickstart section to readme #3

Closed sean-smith closed 3 years ago

sean-smith commented 3 years ago

I'm proposing you add a small quickstart session to the that has everything you need to get started, i.e.


Create a cluster using AWS ParallelCluster with the following configuration:

[cluster yourcluster]
post_install =
post_install_args =,aws-parallelcluster-monitoring,
additional_iam_policies = arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchFullAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMFullAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationReadOnlyAccess
tags = {“Grafana” : “true”}

The hosting location of the post_install script could also be a release artifact, then each release would have a corresponding versioned post_install script and tar.gz.

Happy to implement this and submit it as a PR just wanted your thoughts before I get started.

nicolaven commented 3 years ago

Thanks Sean! I am totally ok with the Quickstart session.

I was also considering having a versioned post-install, we have to make sure we create the releases with the right nomenclature, and the post-install should always point to the latest release.

Please go ahead with the PR Thanks