aws-samples / aws-refarch-wordpress

This reference architecture provides best practices and a set of YAML CloudFormation templates for deploying WordPress on AWS.
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CloudFront Fails to create #72

Open darey-io opened 4 years ago

darey-io commented 4 years ago

I keep getting this error each time it reaches the Cloudfront resource creation stage.

Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-1:4891:stack/Wordpress-cloudfront-BWS8W/6a02b0-1ce6-11ea-9d0b-02 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [CloudFrontDistributionSslCertificate].

I ensured the Certificate in ACM is created in the N.Virginia region and it has been validated against my domain with an "Issued" status

Could i be doing something wrong? Anyone came across this?

sxmxc24 commented 4 years ago

Are you sure the certificate covers the alternate CNAMEs to include and

cosminzeev commented 4 years ago

I get the same error and the certificate covers both www and non www

pratikdhody commented 4 years ago

@sxmxc24 @cosminzeev I ran into the same issue. When creating the certificates, I needed to define the domain name as *.yoururl

duttonw commented 4 years ago

When Associating Domains to Cloudfront and an SSL cert to go with them, you must ensure you have all alt names matching whats on your Cloudfront Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs). Else it will be rejected. Its one of those policies AWS put in place to stop people associating random domains to their distribution for sub-domain take over see why this is the case and also why you can't have no ssl on random domain name with cloudfront any more.