aws-samples / aws-sdk-js-notes-app

A simple note taking application using modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)
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feat(backend): use nodejs14.x runtime in lambdas #23

Closed trivikr closed 3 years ago

trivikr commented 3 years ago


aws-cdk@1.89.0 now supports nodejs14.x runtime in lambda.


Upgrades version of Node.js runtime to latest LTS 14.x in Lambda.


Verified that notes-app is working as designed.

yarn cdk diff ```console Stack aws-sdk-js-notes-app Resources [~] AWS::Lambda::Function listNotes/handler listNoteshandlerDC187D34 └─ [~] Runtime ├─ [-] nodejs12.x └─ [+] nodejs14.x [~] AWS::Lambda::Function createNote/handler createNotehandlerBA768AA5 └─ [~] Runtime ├─ [-] nodejs12.x └─ [+] nodejs14.x [~] AWS::Lambda::Function getNote/handler getNotehandler167C5FCF └─ [~] Runtime ├─ [-] nodejs12.x └─ [+] nodejs14.x [~] AWS::Lambda::Function updateNote/handler updateNotehandler6A5A41DF └─ [~] Runtime ├─ [-] nodejs12.x └─ [+] nodejs14.x [~] AWS::Lambda::Function deleteNote/handler deleteNotehandlerC903D399 └─ [~] Runtime ├─ [-] nodejs12.x └─ [+] nodejs14.x ```
Lambda console screenshot (nodejs12.x) ![before](
Lambda console screenshot (nodejs14.x) ![after](

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