aws-samples / aws-sdk-unity-samples

This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity, you can get the SDK source on Github (
161 stars 107 forks source link

SNS google-play-services.jar is moved. #23

Open 777CC opened 7 years ago

777CC commented 7 years ago

I recommended using this packet //GCMDependencies.cs using Google.JarResolver; using UnityEditor;

[InitializeOnLoad] public static class GCMDependencies { static GCMDependencies() { PlayServicesSupport svcSupport = PlayServicesSupport.CreateInstance( "AdsSample", EditorPrefs.GetString("AndroidSdkRoot"), "ProjectSettings");

    svcSupport.DependOn("", "play-services-gcm", "10.2+");


move GCMDependencies.cs to Editor folder