aws-samples / aws-sdk-unity-samples

This repository has samples that demonstrate various aspects of the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity, you can get the SDK source on Github (
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Is there a long-term support for the AWS/Unity integration? #41

Open derwaldgeist opened 4 years ago

derwaldgeist commented 4 years ago

We have a Unity app that currently uses a native web view to upload files to S3. To speed up this, we'd love to integrate the AWS SDK into Unity and do this completely natively.

What puzzles me a bit is that there's no "official AWS package" in the Unity asset store, and I can see issues here describing major problems (like not being able to run the samples in Unity 2019) which are open for almost a year (one is even since 2015).

So I am wondering if there's any kind of official (long-term) support for this integration. It won't help us if it works now, but breaks later... It is also very confusing that the link to the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity here

actually links to Amplify, while the other links below still refer to the Unity SDK.

The same goes for the "Download AWS SDK for Unity" download link that shows up on the "Getting Started with Cognito page" below. That link points to Amplify, but with no info whatsoever about where to get the actual SDK. This left me with the gut-feeling that the whole Unity support has been dropped with the intention to replace it by Amplify at a later point of time. Correct me if I am wrong.


On the same page, there is this link, which does not really point to Unity-specific info:


derwaldgeist commented 4 years ago

I tried to setup the S3 sample now, but it won't work at all, even in the UnityEditor. I'm getting the error described in #39, and then nothing happens any more. This is a quite bad dev experience, tbh.

jwvanderbeck commented 4 years ago

+1 on this. Trying to get the S3 example up and running and their own sample code doesn't even compile.

knightcube commented 3 years ago

I am trying to do the same and yes the sample code doesn't compile. Here is a response that I got but I am still stuck to be honest -