aws-samples / aws-securityhub-jira-software-integration

This solution supports a bidirectional integration between Security Hub and JIRA. Issues can be either created automatically or manually by using custom actions.
MIT No Attribution
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Added Error Handling get_finding_id_from and some photos for clarity in setting up Jira Cloud #3

Closed sam-fakhreddine closed 11 months ago

sam-fakhreddine commented 1 year ago

I added some logic to get_finding_id_from.

The issue is with the get_finding_id_from function in Specifically, it's failing when trying to perform a regular expression search on a NoneType object. To make the script more robust, you can add a check to ensure that the object you're working with is not None before proceeding with the regex search.

This modification will log a warning and return None if ticket is None, preventing the script from crashing. You might also want to handle this None return value in the function that calls get_finding_id_from.

# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0

import logging
import os
import hashlib
import base64
import re
import boto3
import json
from jira import JIRA, JIRAError
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import jira

logger = logging.getLogger('')

def validate_environments(envs):
    undefined = []

    for env in envs:
        is_defined = env in os.environ
        if not is_defined:
            logger.error('Environment variable %s not set', env)
    if len(undefined) > 0:
        raise UserWarning(
            "Missing environment variables: {}".format(",".join(undefined)))

def assume_role(aws_account_number, role_name, external_id=None):
    Assumes the provided role in each account and returns a GuardDuty client
    :param aws_account_number: AWS Account Number
    :param role_name: Role to assume in target account
    sts_client = boto3.client('sts')
    partition = sts_client.get_caller_identity()['Arn'].split(":")[1]

    parameters = {"RoleArn": 'arn:{}:iam::{}:role/{}'.format(
    ), "RoleSessionName": "SecurityScanner"}

    if external_id:
        parameters["ExternalId"] = external_id
    response = sts_client.assume_role(**parameters)

    account_session = boto3.Session(

    session = {}
    session['session'] = account_session
    session['aws_access_key_id'] = response['Credentials']['AccessKeyId']
    session['aws_secret_access_key'] = response['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey']
    session['aws_session_token'] = response['Credentials']['SessionToken']
    return session

def update_unassigned_ticket(jira_client, issue, message):
    jira_client.assign_issue(issue, os.environ.get("JIRA_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE"))
    issue.update(fields={"labels": issue.fields.labels})
    jira_client.add_comment(issue, message)

def get_account_organization_tags(account):
    org_id = os.environ.get("ORG_ACCOUNT_ID")
    org_role = os.environ.get("ORG_ROLE")
    external_id = os.environ.get("EXTERNAL_ID")
    if org_role:
        session = assume_role(org_id, org_role, external_id)['session']
        org_client = session.client('organizations')
        tags = org_client.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceId=account)
        return tags
    return {}

# assign ticket based on Organization account

def update_jira_assignee(jira_client, issue, account):
    tags = get_account_organization_tags(account)
    merged_tags = {}
    for tag in tags['Tags']:
        merged_tags[tag['Key']] = tag['Value']
    if merged_tags.get("SecurityContactID"):
        assignee = merged_tags.get("SecurityContactID")
            jira_client.assign_issue(issue, assignee)
        except JIRAError:
            logger.warning("User {0} couldn't be assigned to {1}".format(
                assignee, jira_client))
            message = "Security responsible not in JIRA\n Id: {0}".format(
            update_unassigned_ticket(jira_client, issue, message)
    else:"Account owner could not be identified {0} - {1}".format(account,issue))
        message = "Account owner could not be identified"
        update_unassigned_ticket(jira_client, issue, message)

def get_finding_id_from(jira_ticket):
    if jira_ticket is None or jira_ticket.fields.description is None:
        logger.warning("The jira_ticket or its description is None, cannot extract finding ID.")
        return None

    description = jira_ticket.fields.description
    # Searching for regex in description
    matched =
        'Id%3D%255Coperator%255C%253AEQUALS%255C%253A([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-\\_\\:\\/]+)', description)
    return if matched and else None

def get_jira_client(secretsmanager_client,jira_instance,jira_credentials_secret):
    region = os.environ['AWS_REGION']
    jira_credentials = get_secret(secretsmanager_client, jira_credentials_secret, region)
    auth_type = jira_credentials['auth']
    jira_client = None
    if auth_type == "basic_auth":
        jira_client=JIRA("https://"+jira_instance, basic_auth=(jira_credentials['email'], jira_credentials['token']))
        jira_client=JIRA(jira_instance, token_auth=jira_credentials['token'])

    return jira_client

def get_finding_digest(finding_id):
    m = hashlib.md5()  # nosec
    one_way_digest = m.hexdigest()
    return one_way_digest

def get_jira_finding(jira_client, finding_id,project_key, issuetype_name):
    digest = get_finding_digest(finding_id)
    created_before = jira_client.search_issues(
        'Project = {0} AND issuetype = "{1}" AND (labels = aws-sec-{2})'.format(project_key, issuetype_name,digest))
    # Should only exist once
    return created_before[0] if len(created_before) > 0 else None

def get_jira_latest_updated_findings(jira_client,project_key, issuetype_name):
    return jira_client.search_issues('Project = {0} AND issuetype = "{1}" AND updated  >= -2w'.format(project_key, issuetype_name), maxResults=False)

# creates ticket based on the Security Hub finding
def create_ticket(jira_client, project_key, issuetype_name, account, region, description, resources, severity, title, id):
    digest = get_finding_digest(id)

    finding_link = "https://{0}{0}#/findings?search=Id%3D%255Coperator%255C%253AEQUALS%255C%253A{1}".format(
        region, id)
    issue_dict = {
        "project": {"key": project_key},
        "issuetype": {"name": issuetype_name},  
        "summary": "AWS Security Issue :: {} :: {} :: {}".format(account, region, title),
        "labels": ["aws-sec-%s" % digest],
        "priority": {"name": severity.capitalize()},
        "description": """ *What is the problem?*
        We detected a security finding within the AWS account {} you are responsible for.


        [Link to Security Hub finding|{}] 

        *What do I need to do with the ticket?*
        * Access the account and verify the configuration.
        Acknowledge working on ticket by moving it to "Allocated for Fix".
        Once fixed, moved to test fix so Security validates the issue is addressed.
        * If you think risk should be accepted, move it to "Awaiting Risk acceptance".
        This will require review by a Security engineer.
        * If you think is a false positive, transition it to "Mark as False Positive".
        This will get reviewed by a Security engineer and reopened/closed accordingly.
          """.format(account, resources, description, finding_link)
    new_issue = jira_client.create_issue(
        fields=issue_dict)  # writes dict to jira
    return new_issue

def update_securityhub(securityhub_client, id, product_arn, status, note):
    response = securityhub_client.batch_update_findings(
            {'Id':  id,
             'ProductArn': product_arn
        Workflow={'Status': status}, Note={
            'Text': note,
            'UpdatedBy': 'security-hub-integration'
    if response.get('FailedFindings'):
        for element in response['FailedFindings']:
            logger.error("Update error - FindingId {0}".format(element["Id"]))
                "Update error - ErrorCode {0}".format(element["ErrorCode"]))
                "Update error - ErrorMessage {0}".format(element["ErrorMessage"]))

def is_closed(jira_client, issue):
    return == "Resolved"

def is_suppressed(jira_client, issue):
    return == "Risk approved" or == "Accepted false positive"

def is_test_fix(jira_client, issue):
    return == "Test fix"

def reopen_jira_issue(jira_client, issue):
    jira_client.transition_issue(issue, 'Reopen')

def close_jira_issue(jira_client, issue):
    status =
    if status in ["Open"]:
        jira_client.transition_issue(issue, "Allocate for fix")
    if status in ["Open", "Allocated for fix"]:
        jira_client.transition_issue(issue, "Mark for testing")
    if status in ["Open", "Allocated for fix", "Test fix"]:
        jira_client.transition_issue(issue, "Mark as resolved", comment="Resolved automatically by security-hub-integration")
            "Cannot transition issue {0} as it's either marked as closed, awaiting risk acceptance or as false positive".format(issue))

def get_secret(client, secret_arn, region_name):

    secret = None
        get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'DecryptionFailureException':
            raise e
        elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InternalServiceErrorException':
            raise e
        elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidParameterException':
            raise e
        elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidRequestException':
            raise e
        elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException':
            raise e
        if 'SecretString' in get_secret_value_response:
            secret = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']
            secret = base64.b64decode(
    return json.loads(secret)

These 2 photos will help people working in Jira Cloud since you cant import an XML or Workflow file because Atlassian wont let you without a marketplace piece of software.

image image

rinaudjaws commented 1 year ago

Hello @sam-fakhreddine, thanks for contributing!

I'll make sure to include these images in the README to allow developers to re-build the workflow in JIRA and address the error handling.

rinaudjaws commented 11 months ago

Hello @sam-fakhreddine, thank again! This is now fixed (commit).