aws-samples / aws-serverless-webapp-workshop

Code and walkthrough labs to set up serverless applications for Wild Rydes workshops
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How to host these code on AWS S3? #28

Closed YongCloud closed 2 years ago

YongCloud commented 2 years ago

Hi team, Could you please help me fix this issue? The AWS Amplify service is not accessible on AWS China region. So I plan to host the static site on AWS S3 and follow the tutorial to build my serverless website.

Unfortunately, I sync the site code to my bucket failed using this command. aws s3 sync s3://wildrydes-us-east-1/WebApplication/1_StaticWebHosting/website s3://wildrydes --region cn-north-1

This is the output message. fatal error: An error occurred (NoSuchBucket) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: The specified bucket does not exist

YongCloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks team. I have found the correct resources in this branch.