aws-samples / dbt-glue

This repository contains de dbt-glue adapter
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Iceberg table (Glue catalog) - unable to fetch, InputFormat cannot be null #359

Closed JanKrl closed 3 months ago

JanKrl commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

When reading a source table (Iceberg) I get the following error:

Database Error in model stg__countries (models\staging\stg__countries.sql)
Glue cursor returned `error` for statement None for code SqlWrapper2.execute('''/* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.7.8", "profile_name": "project", "target_name": "aws", "node_id": "model.profile.stg__countries"} */

create table `dbtstack_warehouse`.`stg__countries`
using iceberg


LOCATION 's3://warehouse-bucket/dbtstack_warehouse\stg__countries'

''', use_arrow=False, location='s3://warehouse-bucket/'), AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Unable to fetch table countries. StorageDescriptor#InputFormat cannot be null for table: countries (Service: null; Status Code: 0; Error Code: null; Request ID: null; Proxy: null)
  compiled Code at target\run\project\models\staging\stg__countries.sql

After some googling, I found suggestion to add glue_catalog before table name. This results with:

Database Error in model stg__countries (models\staging\stg__countries.sql)
Glue cursor returned `error` for statement None for code SqlWrapper2.execute('''/* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.7.8", "profile_name": "project", "target_name": "aws", "node_id": "model.project.stg__countries"} */

create table `dbtstack_warehouse`.`stg__countries`
using iceberg


LOCATION 's3://warehouse-bucket/dbtstack_warehouse\stg__countries'

''', use_arrow=False, location='s3://warehouse-bucket/'), AnalysisException: spark_catalog requires a single-part namespace, but got [glue_catalog, dbtstack_warehouse]
compiled Code at target\run\project\models\staging\stg__countries.sql

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Source table created in Athena
    CREATE TABLE countries (id bigint, country_name string, category string)  LOCATION 's3://warehouse-bucket/countries'  TBLPROPERTIES ( 'table_type' = 'ICEBERG' )
  2. Inserted some test data
    INSERT INTO countries values
    (1, 'NL','asdasd'),
    (2, 'PL','hhyth'),
    (3, 'Moon','why not?')
  3. Table shows up in Glue Catalog:
    • Table format: Apache Iceberg
    • Input format: -
    • Output format: -
    • Serde serialization lib: -

As far as I can tell this is expected outcome.

  1. Profiles.yml
      type: glue
      glue_version: "4.0"
      query-comment: DBT model
      role_arn: <<arn>>
      region: eu-central-1
      location: s3://warehouse-bucket/
      schema: dbtstack_warehouse
      session_provisioning_timeout_in_seconds: 120
      workers: 2
      worker_type: G.1X
      idle_timeout: 5
      datalake_formats: iceberg  
    target: aws

I also tried all sorts of additional configs based on what I found online:

conf: "--conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog
--conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.warehouse=s3://warehouse-bucket/dbtstack_warehouse/
--conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.lock.table=myGlueLockTable
--conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions
--conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
--conf spark.sql.warehouse=s3://warehouse-bucket/dbtstack_warehouse/" 
  1. source_tables.yml
    version: 2


  1. stg__countries.sql
    {{ config(
    table_properties={'format-version': '2'}

select country_name from glue_catalog.{{ source('data_source', 'countries') }}

### Expected behavior
The source table should have been read and DBT should have created new table from the model.

### System information
**The output of `dbt --version`:**



The operating system you're using:

The output of python --version: Python 3.11.0

Additional context

JanKrl commented 3 months ago

Another relevant finding for this issue - when creating new table from seed, a non-iceberg table is creates: Input format: Output format: Serde serialization lib:

JanKrl commented 3 months ago

This article about DBT and Glue doesn't mention this specifically but seems like DBT-Glue is not able to read Iceberg tables (InputFormat cannot be null). In their setup they use Hive tables for intermediate stage and Iceberg only for final layer. Furthermore, it doesn't work on Glue 4.0 but it seems to work in Glue 3.0.

Can anyone confirm my conclusion that Iceberg table can be used only in a final stage of the processing pipeline?

moryachok commented 3 months ago

Have the same issue with Iceberg. Maybe also related to the fact I use LakeFormation

eshetben commented 3 months ago

hi, i have the same issue (dbt and dbt-glue 1.7, glue 4.0, with lake formation), so i tried replicating the dbt code and running it in a glue notebook, and i did get the exact same error in the notebook as well.

adding glue_catalog. to table name did work for me in the notebook, but i couldn't really apply this solution to dbt, since i don't have control over that piece of code.

instead - i added these configs:

    .config("spark.sql.defaultCatalog", "glue_catalog") \
    .config("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.default-namespace", "via_stage") \

that also worked in the notebook, since the job now used my catalog instead of the default one (named default).

however, i still couldn't get dbt to work, even though i added these two configs in the profiles yaml. i have a suspicion that dbt is not using these configs properly...

to conclude - i've identified 2 problems:

  1. session is using default catalog instead of glue_catalog
  2. configs might not be used properly by dbt
eshetben commented 3 months ago

update - got it working, don't know why it didn't work before...

the solution was adding the default configs -

        --conf spark.sql.defaultCatalog=glue_catalog
        --conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.default-namespace=<schema>
JanKrl commented 3 months ago

update - got it working, don't know why it didn't work before...

the solution was adding the default configs -

        --conf spark.sql.defaultCatalog=glue_catalog
        --conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.default-namespace=<schema>

When trying this I get the error: Catalog 'glue_catalog' plugin class not found: spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog is not defined. I tried with both Glue 3.0 and 4.0

This is my conf now:

--conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog
--conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions
--conf spark.sql.defaultCatalog=glue_catalog
--conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.default-namespace=<schema-name>
eshetben commented 3 months ago

@JanKrl this is exactly what i have (only spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.warehouse might be missing) and it's working for me.

did you make sure to leave out the first --conf from the string? i made that mistake 😅 so no config was actually used

      conf: >
JanKrl commented 3 months ago

That did the trick! Plus, I had to set --conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.warehouse=<s3-bucket> due to the error: IllegalArgumentException: Cannot initialize GlueCatalog because warehousePath must not be null

For sake of clarity, here is the full config:

type: glue
glue_version: "3.0"
query-comment: DBT model for Iceberg tables
role_arn: <role-arn>
region: eu-central-1
location: <s3-bucket>
schema: <schema-name>
session_provisioning_timeout_in_seconds: 120
workers: 2
worker_type: G.1X
idle_timeout: 5
datalake_formats: iceberg
conf: >
  --conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.warehouse=<s3-bucket>
  --conf spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog
  --conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions