aws-samples / eks-kubeflow-workshop

Kubeflow workshop on EKS. Mainly focus on AWS integration examples. Please go check kubeflow website for other examples
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MLflow EKS Service API 500 #54

Closed JMV1072 closed 4 years ago

JMV1072 commented 4 years ago


I'm following the steps given in the mlflow tracking notebook and I was able to deploy mlflow and port forward to view the UI. The issue I'm having now is logging from a jupyter notebook that is running on another pod on my eks cluster.

I'm trying to execute this code on my notebook:

import mlflow

print("Setting Tracking Server")
tracking_uri = "http://mlflow-tracking-server.default.svc.cluster.local:5000"


test_str = 'Hello, World!'
mlflow.log_param('test_str', test_str)

print("Logging Artifact")


But I keep getting the following error: 2020/04/21 19:42:53 ERROR mlflow.utils.rest_utils: API request to http://mlflow-tracking-server:5000/api/2.0/mlflow/runs/log-parameter failed with code 500 != 200, retrying up to 0 more times. API response body: {"error_code": "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "message": "Run 'e633f09fa75c4d4d915b994244c8e2c8' not found"}

Is there anything else I could have missed?