aws-samples / rancher-on-aws-workshop

Learn how to easily deploy and manage Kubernetes with Rancher on AWS Cloud
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screenshot highlighting #3

Closed zackbradys closed 1 year ago

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

need to create arrows/boxes/highlights in each of the screenshots. @marshkkm has completed it for the eks screenshots, but we need to complete it for the rest of the workshop.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

not required for workshop approval, but would like to get it done

marshkkm commented 1 year ago

I can start editing these to highlight the important pieces. I believe it'll be more consistent by doing so

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

thank you for the assist on the last few commits!

marshkkm commented 1 year ago

no worries, still have a few more to go through but again, not needed for the approval

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

additional screenshots updated... need to continue to work on this before 6/15

evdevr commented 1 year ago

~one more screenshot that needs a box: successful stack deploy in content/10-introduction/12-workshop-environment/ (final image). mgmt stack is the one we want to call attention to.~

evdevr commented 1 year ago

actually nevermind- both stacks are correct. instead i updated the text to explain what the two stacks are.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

mgmt stack is now rke2-eks-cluster stack as well. so we might want to update the text and screenshot(s) to reflect.

evdevr commented 1 year ago

when manually creating outside workshop studio, it's user-specified.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

ah very true 👍

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

progress made on updating screenshots in the last few merges. looks like we have 3 more sections left to update.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

all screenshot highlighting updated and fixed. closing as complete per the last few merges!