aws-samples / rancher-on-aws-workshop

Learn how to easily deploy and manage Kubernetes with Rancher on AWS Cloud
MIT License
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Results / Findings Workshop Review 2023-06-10 #32

Closed wombelix closed 1 year ago

wombelix commented 1 year ago

Hi everyon,

@marshkkm asked me to do a second Review for the Workshop, please find below my comments and findings. There are still some blocker why it can't be approved yet. But Nothing too serious in my opinion which couldn't be fixed begin of the week, so that the Workshop can be approved and published before the upcoming Event.

I can offer to do a final review, with approval if the below points are addressed, on Wednesday 14th June between 09:00 AM and 12:00 PM CEST, so effectively before most of you start to work, if that helps.

Findings - non blocking

Do all images have accurate, descriptive alternate text?

Findings - blocking

Deploying the CloudFormation Stack in my Isengard Account failed:

2023-06-10 11:41:21 UTC+0200    rancher-manager-stack   
The following resource(s) failed to create: [EKSCloud9Env]. Rollback requested by user.
2023-06-10 11:41:19 UTC+0200    EKSCloud9Env    
Cannot create the AWS Cloud9 environment. There was a problem connecting to the environment.

Security Group attached to Cloud9:

    "InstanceSecurityGroup": {
      "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
      "Properties": {
        "GroupDescription": "Security group for AWS Cloud9 environment aws-cloud9-AWS-RGS-Workshop-d75595fb34c74519a440017621cca419",
        "VpcId": "vpc-076c6d178985a3058"
,        "SecurityGroupIngress": [
            "FromPort": 22,
            "ToPort": 22,
            "IpProtocol": "tcp",
            "CidrIp": ""
            "FromPort": 22,
            "ToPort": 22,
            "IpProtocol": "tcp",
            "CidrIp": ""
        ,"Tags": [
            "Key": "Name",
            "Value": "aws-cloud9-AWS-RGS-Workshop-d75595fb34c74519a440017621cca419"

Does the workshop reference/link to the clean-up steps in the introduction or setup chapters? Does the workshop reference/link to the clean-up steps in the introduction or setup chapters, so that this is obvious even for customers who do not complete the workshop?

If the workshop references larger bundles of AWS-owned content (for example Lambda source code, sample data sets, etc.), are these stored somewhere central like an Event Engine S3 bucket, or an AWS-owned Github Organization (AWS-Samples etc, see Open Source below)?

Could you complete all the steps in the workshop without error?

marshkkm commented 1 year ago

@wombelix We're tackling some of these now...

I have a question about the hardcoded IPs in the SG for the cloud9 instance. Thats not present in either one of the templates

For workshop studio: static/rke2-eks-cluster-workshop.yaml

For personal account: static/rke2-eks-cluster.yaml

wombelix commented 1 year ago

I have a question about the hardcoded IPs in the SG for the cloud9 instance. Thats not present in either one of the templates

Yep you are right, it's indeed not hardcoded and seem to get somehow generated down the line. Was just thinking earlier if that could have something to do with the connection timeout to the Cloud9 instance, but it can probably be ignored.

wombelix commented 1 year ago

Because you asked me about the region, I tried us-east-1 and it looks like that other regions would not even work because of missing AMI mappings:

Template error: Unable to get mapping for AWSRegionArch2AMI::us-west-2::HVM64
Template error: Unable to get mapping for AWSRegionArch2AMI::us-west-1::HVM64
Template error: Unable to get mapping for AWSRegionArch2AMI::us-east-2::HVM64

Which opens another Review point:

If the workshop runs only in specific regions, are these clearly listed?

wombelix commented 1 year ago

I have a question about the hardcoded IPs in the SG for the cloud9 instance. Thats not present in either one of the templates

Yep you are right, it's indeed not hardcoded and seem to get somehow generated down the line. Was just thinking earlier if that could have something to do with the connection timeout to the Cloud9 instance, but it can probably be ignored.

"Miracle" solved, those two ranges are the default ones based on the region where cloud9 is deployed, see

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

Merged two pull requests (#34 and #35) to address 5 tasks. Currently working on two additional merges to address 4 tasks.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

Checked off the last task due to the fact we figured out the reason for stack failing to deploy. For now, workshop states and users are only able to deploy in us-east-1.

marshkkm commented 1 year ago

S3 links are using the assetURL directive, a part of the workshop environment. If you're doing this outside of the environment, those won't work.

If you try to preview the workshop, those asset urls are dynamically generated and only work for a certain amount of time before being regened. The workshop studio team is currently working on a way to change this

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

Hey Dominik, all images do have accurate alt text, but the task in this issue only gave the option to check off "no". I want to have all the tasks complete so I checked it off.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

Hey @wombelix, since this repository is not public yet, here is replacement link so you are able to test the Kubernetes Applications Step 4 Section. Once the repository is public, it will work since the yamls and code are the exact same.

For Fleet Step:

wombelix commented 1 year ago

@zackbradys thanks mate, I thought it's a real 404, because aren't they linked to this repo where I have access? But anyway, I trust you that this is solved as soon it went public so let's remove it from the list and also close this Task now as completed. I do a Review now and if necessary, create a new issue.

zackbradys commented 1 year ago

It is inside of this repo, but the link doesn't include to token required to access a raw on github when the repository is private. Today, we tested and verified with the outside link and once the repo is public, it will work. We also added the instructions that were missing during your review.

Appreciate the understanding and looking forward to your review this evening!