Issue #, if available:
In shared-infra-stack.ts, the IDs of AZs are fixed as a, b and c.
In the region like Tokyo (ap-northeast-1), AZ-b is not available anymore, which cases deploy error.
Description of changes:
I made a change with shared-infra-stack.ts.
Import Fn module.
Add the code to retrieve AZs available in a region.
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Thank you for your contribution.
It's a really great point.
But to follow your point, I think it is one more file to be changed to prevent erroneous.
Did you check all three tiers in your region(Japan)?
Issue #, if available: In shared-infra-stack.ts, the IDs of AZs are fixed as a, b and c. In the region like Tokyo (ap-northeast-1), AZ-b is not available anymore, which cases deploy error.
Description of changes: I made a change with shared-infra-stack.ts.
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.