aws-samples / serverless-jenkins-on-aws-fargate

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update dockerfile and plugins #23

Closed azerioglan closed 1 year ago

azerioglan commented 2 years ago

Hello guys, I used your code to bring up fargate cluster. didn't find options to update docker image or list of plugins deployed first time. Documentation refers that need to create new task definition. But didn't figure out how to handle in code. simple diddn't help Appreciate for help or for directions


gabricc commented 2 years ago

Hi @azerioglan ! I had the same problem and I was able to solve it adding this trigger:

  triggers = {
    always_run = timestamp()

Full example:

resource "null_resource" "build_docker_image" {
  triggers = {
     src_hash = file("${path.module}/docker/files/jenkins.yaml.tpl")
     always_run = timestamp()
  depends_on = [null_resource.render_template]
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOF
docker login -u AWS -p ${data.aws_ecr_authorization_token.token.password} ${local.ecr_endpoint} && \
docker build -t ${aws_ecr_repository.jenkins_controller.repository_url}:latest ${path.module}/docker/ && \
docker push ${aws_ecr_repository.jenkins_controller.repository_url}:latest
apogorielov commented 1 year ago

I've added trigger to the the main code to automatically rebuild instances, as well as list of updated plugins. Therefor I am closing this issue.