aws-samples / serverless-patterns

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New pattern submission: Amazon S3, SQS, Lambda, and Bedrock CDK Python #2248

Open pdineshbalaaji opened 1 month ago

pdineshbalaaji commented 1 month ago

Issue #, if available:

Description of changes:

This pattern creates an Amazon S3 bucket that sends 'OBJECT_CREATED' events to an SQS queue. These events are then processed by a Lambda function that utilizes Amazon Bedrock to extract the summary or sentiment of the input file. The summary is subsequently stored in a different S3 bucket for consumption.

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.

ellisms commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @pdineshbalaaji I'm reviewing this pattern and I'm unable to deploy it due to the following:

"Invalid request provided: Queue visibility timeout: 60 seconds is less than Function timeout: 300 seconds

Can you please update the settings?

pdineshbalaaji commented 2 weeks ago

@ellisms I have updated the visibility timeout settings and validated the changes. Can you please check if its working from your end.

ellisms commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks - it works now. I left feedback and requested some changes.

pdineshbalaaji commented 2 weeks ago

@ellisms I have implemented the requested changes

ellisms commented 1 week ago

Thanks! Adding this to the queue for publishing.