aws-samples / siem-on-amazon-opensearch-service

A solution for collecting, correlating and visualizing multiple types of logs to help investigate security incidents.
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Collect AWS ECS logs but not found in index #314

Closed HuJake closed 1 year ago

HuJake commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I have stored the ECS log through firelens to a folder in s3 to store the log, But I found that I can't find relevant information from the OpenSearch dashboard.

Have any index can using?

nakajiak commented 1 year ago

Hi, what logs did you store? Application logs come in a variety of formats and are not automatically loaded. This solution parses the FireLens meta information, but does not parse the logs in it.


HuJake commented 1 year ago

Hi @nakajiak ,

The following is the log of the application I collected, currently collected in S3, At present, there is a problem in that the Lambda trigger cannot be sent to OpenSearch.

If the log format I currently collect is as follows, how can I trigger Lambda to let it generate an index and send the data to OpenSearch for observation?

[XX][production][XXX 1.16.0][2022-10-13T08:36:10.505Z][INFO][::ffff:][ROLE:xx] GET /version 200 0 {}
[XX][production][XXX 1.16.0][2022-10-13T08:37:10.505Z][INFO][::ffff:][ROLE:xx] GET /version 200 0 {}
[XX][production][XXX 1.16.0][2022-10-13T08:38:10.505Z][INFO][::ffff:][ROLE:xx] GET /version 200 0 {}

Thanks for your help. @nakajiak

HuJake commented 1 year ago

Thanks @nakajiak is there any update :)

nakajiak commented 1 year ago

Hi, have you created user.ini? If yes, could you share it?

You need to configure via_firelens = True in user.ini

HuJake commented 1 year ago

Hi @nakajiak,

I have put Lambda Functions (aws.ini in aes-siem-es-loader)

Set to the following configuration.

I have redeployed Lambda but found that the relevant index is still not found in the Opensearch index?

Is there a more detailed ECS configuration process? :(

s3_key_ignored =
# s3_keyにマッチしても無視したいログがあれば、それを識別する文字列を指定
# If there is a log that you want to ignore even if it matches s3_key,
# specify a character string to identify it

# For CloudWatch logs
via_cwl = False
# ログ受信 に CloudWatch Logs 経由をしているか、していないか。
# Are logs received via CloudWatdh Logs?

# For Firelens
via_firelens = True
# ログ受信 に Firelens 経由をして、enable-ecs-log-metadata のフィールドが
# 付与されている場合は、True
# Are logs received via Firelens with ecs-log-metadata? If so, True.

# For Container
ignore_container_stderr = False
# コンテナのログで stderr だった場合、無視して、取り込むのは stdout のみとする

# For CloudWatch logs
loggroup = dummy
# CloudWatch => Kinesis Data Stream 経由でログを受信する時に指定
# Specify string when receiving logs via Kinesis Data Stream via CloudWatch Logs
HuJake commented 1 year ago

Thanks @nakajiak is there any update :-)

nakajiak commented 1 year ago

Hello, please check the aes-siem-es-loader logs from CloudWatch logs. If you have error logs, please share it. Also, can you copy the corresponding setting file in user.ini?


index = log-app-foobar
via_firelens = True
s3_key = foobar
file_format = text
timestamp_key = datetime
timestamp_format = iso8601
log_pattern = \[XX\]\[(?P<production>[^ ]+)\].....
HuJake commented 1 year ago


Below is my relevant settings file. and the error log message

[ERROR] ValueError: there is no valid timestamp_key for index-ecslog
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/task/aws_lambda_powertools/metrics/", line 184, in decorate
    response = lambda_handler(event, context)
  File "/var/task/aws_lambda_powertools/logging/", line 354, in decorate
    return lambda_handler(event, context, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/task/", line 311, in decorator
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/task/", line 347, in lambda_handler
    main(event, context)
  File "/var/task/", line 358, in main
  File "/var/task/", line 409, in process_record
    bulkloads_into_opensearch(es_entries, collected_metrics))
  File "/var/task/", line 229, in bulkloads_into_opensearch
    for data in es_entries:
  File "/var/task/", line 174, in get_es_entries
    logparser(lograw, logdata, logmeta)
  File "/var/task/siem/", line 546, in __call__
    self.__timestamp = self.get_timestamp()
  File "/var/task/siem/", line 971, in get_timestamp
    raise ValueError(msg)```

user.ini is

index_name = log-aws-ecs-app
timestamp_key = date_time
timestamp_format = iso8601
via_firelens = True
log_pattern = \[.*\]\[(?P<staging>[^ ]+)\]\[.* \d.\d\d.\d.\[.*
s3_key = /KDS-S3-ECS-ej2KU/*
ecs = destination.ip
file_format = text
nakajiak commented 1 year ago

Hello, your regex cannot extract the timestamp correctly.

log_pattern = \[.*\]\[(?P<staging>[^ ]+)\]\[.* \d.\d\d.\d.\[(?P<date_time>[0-9T:.-]*Z)\]

We recommend that you check if you can extract the regular expression from the logs.

nakajiak commented 1 year ago

See also this site.

HuJake commented 1 year ago


!!! It worked !!!

Thank you very much for your help.

Help me solve many doubts~

nakajiak commented 1 year ago
