I am trying to load EKS audit log from Security Lake S3 bucket to OpenSearch.
es-loader gets invoked. However, the log is not loaded to OpenSearch with the following messages.
/var/task/aws_lambda_powertools/metrics/provider/base.py:208: UserWarning: No application metrics to publish. The cold-start metric may be published if enabled. If application metrics should never be empty, consider using 'raise_on_empty_metrics'
Is EKS audit log collected by Security Lake supported atm? https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2024/02/amazon-security-lake-audit-logs-eks/
I am trying to load EKS audit log from Security Lake S3 bucket to OpenSearch. es-loader gets invoked. However, the log is not loaded to OpenSearch with the following messages.