aws-solutions-library-samples / guidance-for-multi-modal-data-analysis-with-aws-health-and-ml-services

An end-to-end framework for storing, integrating, and analyzing multimodal HCLS data on AWS, using AWS HealthOmics, AWS HealthLake, AWS HealthImaging, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Athena, Amazon QuickSight, and Amazon S3.
MIT No Attribution
13 stars 4 forks source link

SageMakerStudioExecutionRole #8

Open hmkim opened 1 year ago

hmkim commented 1 year ago

SageMakerStudioExecutionRole requires an appropriate permission policy in my case.

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 10 38 43 PM

For security purposes, you'll want to grant minimal permissions, but this was a test.