aws-solutions / enhanced-document-understanding-on-aws

Enhanced Document Understanding on AWS delivers an easy-to-use web application that ingests and analyzes documents, extracts content, identifies and redacts sensitive customer information, and creates search indexes from the analyzed data.
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Payload for upload document #31

Closed Komal-99 closed 5 months ago

Komal-99 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I am trying to hit /document api with the expected payload I found suing inspect in UI but not able to figure out how to send a file using postman for custom Non UI build. { caseId : "sm:b6485fe3-c6ef-4f01-86a4-f57d96e77adf" caseName : "XYZ" documentType:"generic" fileExtension:".pdf" fileName: "9159.pdf" tagging: "userIdsm" userId: "sm****"}

But not sure how to pass a file is it binary or form data and if it is form data then what is its key.

knihit commented 6 months ago

@Komal-99, I think this call returns what is called s3-signed-url. The binary data is directly uploaded to the S3 bucket, it does not pass through ApiGW.

Hope that helps.

Komal-99 commented 6 months ago

My question was how to pass a file! I am trying to pass file like this in Body Binary and json payload as all the values in image

but still giving 403 error message.

knihit commented 6 months ago

The REST endpoint does not accept the file. It returns a URL in the response which you use as a POST to upload the file.

Komal-99 commented 6 months ago

So In that url I will hit post request and in binary attach my file ? Is their any documentation for the endpoints clearly?

mukitmomin commented 6 months ago

Hey @Komal-99, thank you for your interest and use of enhanced-document-understanding-on-aws. To upload a file, you can using a python script instead of using postman, for convenience. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Generate a cognito auth token (assuming you are using authentication as originally implemented by the solution)
import boto3 


def generate_token():
    client = boto3.client("cognito-idp", region_name=REGION)
    response = client.initiate_auth(
        AuthParameters={"USERNAME": USER_NAME, "PASSWORD": PASSWORD},
    token = response["AuthenticationResult"]["IdToken"]

    return token
  1. Create a new case using the UI or using the POST /case request. This requires the request parameter caseName set to a sting value. {"caseName":"case-4"} for example

  2. Next, you have to first made a POST request to /document endpoint with parameters, as described in the code block below. This request will need to include the auth token as described above. This will return a s3 signed url. Using this signed url you have to make a second POST request where you can upload a file as a binary blob.

import requests
import json
from generate_auth_token import generate_token
from pathlib import Path

REST_API_ENDPOINT = "https://<YOUR _API_ID>" # obtained from cloudformation stack output
USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36" # this is required 
DATA_FILE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent

token = generate_token()

def get_signed_post_policy(filename: str, documentType: str, case_id: str, case_name:str, body=None):
    user_id = case_id.split(":")[0]
    if not body:
        request_body = {
            "userId": user_id,
            "caseId": case_id,
            "caseName": case_name,
            "fileName": filename,
            "fileExtension": f".{filename.split('.')[-1]}",
            "documentType": documentType,
            "tagging": f"<Tagging><TagSet><Tag><Key>userId</Key><Value>{user_id}</Value></Tag></TagSet></Tagging>"
        request_body = body

    doc_upload_api = f"{REST_API_ENDPOINT}/document"


    headers = {"Authorization": token, "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
    response =, data=json.dumps(request_body), headers=headers)

    return response.json()

def upload_file(data_file_path=None, post_policy_fields: dict[str, str] = None, bucket_url: str = None):
    print("uploading file to bucket...")

    data = {
    response =, data=data, files={"file": open(data_file_path, "rb")})
    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = "simple-document-image.pdf"
    case_name = "<CASE NAME FROM STEP 2>"
    case_id = "<CASE_ID_RETURNED_FROM_STEP_2>"

    post_policy = get_signed_post_policy(filename=filename, documentType="generic", case_id=case_id, case_name=case_name)

        data_file_path=DATA_FILE_DIR / filename,
knihit commented 6 months ago

Thank you @mukitmomin . @Komal-99 there is no pre-defined endpoint. The file upload URL is based on the name of the bucket in your account. Also this concept of bucket URL is called signed-url. You can find more information about signed urls here

knihit commented 6 months ago

In the UI source code, there is the function that gets called -

Komal-99 commented 6 months ago

Thankyou @mukitmomin This was a great help ! I need to build a solution using enhanced-document-understanding-on-aws. and can't find any proper details. This python code for upload document eased my work so much. can you further guide me to move forward?

from your message I got that postman is not a right platform because even I tried /cases and /document/download from postman but as expected they are not working from postman. Beside that I need to get the text extraction inference response In Raw Text, Table data and key value pairs.

It is a great support! Thankyou @mukitmomin @knihit

mukitmomin commented 6 months ago

You should be able to use the exact same logic as above to generate the token, and then make a GET request using the python requests library to the endpoint: /inferences/{caseId}/{documentId}/{inferenceType}. The exact request and response schema can be obtained by exporting the API from ApiGateway as a swagger or openapi 3 file as well. Check the API reference in our implementation guide as well.

Below is a python function to make get requests, for example to get a specific case details:

def get_case(case_id: str = None):
    if not case_id:
        raise ValueError("`case_id` is required")

    get_case_api = f"{REST_API_ENDPOINT}/case/{case_id}"
    headers = {"Authorization": token, "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
    response = requests.get(get_case_api, headers=headers)

    return response.json()
Komal-99 commented 6 months ago


I tried hitting GET request using Lambda function as well as from python but in both getting same error. WhatsApp Image 2024-03-23 at 23 54 07_22142cc2 and in lambda function getting error image

knihit commented 5 months ago

Why does the request say inferences/undefined. The request for inferences should have the following REST resource path /inferences/{caseId}/{documentId}/{inferenceType}. If you run the Developer Tools in the browser for the default deployment. You will be able to capture the appropriate structure.

On a side note, these clarifications are outside of the purview of the actual application. These are neither feature requests nor bugs in the application. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to clarify such issues in the future.

Komal-99 commented 5 months ago

Actually Undefined is the user because we are not using authentication token and followed by the Inference type value.

Can you help me with some clear documentation or information then! Because it is quite difficult to find and their is no mention regarding how files are being organised and which file is for which purpose!


knihit commented 5 months ago

All files are stored in S3 bucket. The location of the files is in a DynamoDB table. The cardinality is User --> 0...N Cases. Each Case --> 0..N Documents. So based on the case id, you can get the location of the documents and their inferences from the DynamoDB table.

You can also get more details on the architecture from the following guide -

knihit commented 5 months ago

Closing this ticket. For any bugs, issues with the existing application, or feature requests, please feel free to open a new issue.

Komal-99 commented 1 month ago

Hi @mukitmomin @knihit , I am opening this issue to check if the Request body for RestAPI got updated. Not able to find it but my previous code throughs me an error of Invalid Request Body.

def create_case(case_id: str = None):
    if not case_id:
        raise ValueError("`case_id` is required")
    request_body = {
            "caseName": case_id,
    get_case_api = f"{REST_API_ENDPOINT}/case"
        region = "us-east-1"  # Update this with your AWS region
        service = "execute-api"
        # Sign the request using AWS Signature Version 4
        aws_auth = AWS4Auth(ACCESS_KEY,SECRET_KEY, region, service, session_token=session_token)
        headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {session_token}",
        "User-Agent": USER_AGENT,
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
        # Send the request with authentication
        response =,data=json.dumps(request_body), headers=headers)

        # Check if the response was successful
        if response.status_code == 200:
            # Parse the JSON data from the response body
            data = response.json()
            case_id = data.get('caseId')
            return case_id
            print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")

    except NoCredentialsError:
        print("AWS credentials not found or invalid.")
        return None

When Passing a String case_id due to which case not getting created and I am not able to use the service. image