aws-solutions / network-orchestration-for-aws-transit-gateway

The Network Orchestration for AWS Transit Gateway solution automates the process of setting up and managing transit networks in distributed AWS environments. It creates a web interface to help control, audit, and approve (transit) network changes.
Apache License 2.0
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empty PREFIX_LISTS is not supported by Custom-Destinations, invalid value for parameter destination-cidr-block: #77

Closed jwiechmann closed 1 year ago

jwiechmann commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

After the approve step via the cognito GUI the state machine causes an error: "An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the CreateRoute operation: invalid value for parameter destination-cidr-block:" This means, the lambda is trying to add a route with an empty CIDR parameter. This is caused by trying to read the PREFIX_LISTS but this list is empty. The step to use CIDR_BLOCK is working well.

To Reproduce

This environment is used:

variable value
DEFAULT_ROUTE Custom-Destinations

With this workaround it's running well: PREFIX_LISTS=

Expected behavior

Request can be approved.

Please complete the following information about the solution:

To get the version of the solution, you can look at the description of the created CloudFormation stack. For example, "(SO0009) - The AWS CloudFormation template for deployment of the aws-centralized-logging. Version v1.0.0". You can also find the version from releases

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information).

Additional context

*** Source Code

    def _update_route_table_with_prefix_lists(self, ec2, existing_routes):
        prefix_lists = environ.get("PREFIX_LISTS").split(",")         ## <------ this returns 1 and not 0 if the variable exists
        if len(prefix_lists) > 0:
            for prefix_list_id in prefix_lists:
      "Adding prefix list id: {prefix_list_id}")
                self._find_existing_default_route(existing_routes, prefix_list_id)
                self._update_route_table(ec2, prefix_list_id).           ## <---- this cannot work with the undefined route

*** CloudWatch

"error-info": {
            "Error": "ClientError",
            "Cause": "{\"errorMessage\":\"An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the CreateRoute operation: invalid value for parameter destination-cidr-block:\",\"errorType\":\"ClientError\",\"requestId\":\"de5388cf-b914-4fa3-8c2a-4ca32fac2a96\",\"stackTrace\":[\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/\\\", line 45, in lambda_handler\\n    return vpc(event, function_name)\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/\\\", line 116, in vpc\\n    response = vpc.default_route_crud_operations()\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/lib/handlers/\\\", line 649, in default_route_crud_operations\\n    self._update_route_table_with_prefix_lists(ec2, existing_routes)\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/lib/handlers/\\\", line 677, in _update_route_table_with_prefix_lists\\n    self._update_route_table(ec2, prefix_list_id)\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/lib/handlers/\\\", line 600, in _update_route_table\\n    self._create_route(ec2, route)\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/lib/handlers/\\\", line 520, in _create_route\\n    ec2.create_route_cidr_block(\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/state_machine/lib/clients/\\\", line 95, in create_route_cidr_block\\n    response = self.ec2_client.create_route(\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/botocore/\\\", line 530, in _api_call\\n    return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)\\n\",\"  File \\\"/var/task/botocore/\\\", line 960, in _make_api_call\\n    raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)\\n\"]}"
jwiechmann commented 1 year ago

The implementation in v301 is using this:


# !/bin/python
# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""State Machine Handler module"""

def convert_string_to_list(comma_delimited_list: str) -> list:
    Converts the comma delimited list of string to a list type and skips adding
    empty strings to the list.
    :param comma_delimited_list:
    :return: list
    empty_string = ''
    return [value.strip() for value in comma_delimited_list.split(',')
            if value != empty_string]
groverlalit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for opening this issue. We will test and fix this in the next release planned for Q2 2023. Thanks.

groverlalit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for raising this issue. This bug will be resolved in the next release.