aws-solutions / qnabot-on-aws

AWS QnABot is a multi-channel, multi-language conversational interface (chatbot) that responds to your customer's questions, answers, and feedback. The solution allows you to deploy a fully functional chatbot across multiple channels including chat, voice, SMS and Amazon Alexa.
Apache License 2.0
384 stars 247 forks source link

Answer data that contains only double-byte full-width characters cannot be imported. #731

Open FdaiJ opened 1 month ago

FdaiJ commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug An error occurs when importing an Excel file containing answer data that is created using only double-byte full-width characters.

To Reproduce An error occurs when importing an Excel file created with answer data using only Japanese full-width 2-byte characters. Please import using the attached Excel file. ・Import results QnABot.keyword1 to QnABot.keyword5 are NG QnABot.keyword6 to QnABot.keyword10 are OK ・NG error message Error Loading Content Warning: No answer found for QID:"QnABot.keyword1". The question will be skipped. Warning: No answer found for QID:"QnABot.keyword2". The question will be skipped. Warning: No answer found for QID:"QnABot.keyword3". The question will be skipped. Warning: No answer found for QID:"QnABot.keyword4". The question will be skipped. Warning: No answer found for QID:"QnABot.keyword5". The question will be skipped. ・Difference between NG and OK NG answer data contains only full-width 2-byte characters OK answer data contains 1-byte characters

Expected behavior You can import answer data containing only Japanese full-width 2-byte characters.

Please complete the following information about the solution:

To get the version of the solution, you can look at the description of the created CloudFormation stack. For example, "(SO0189) QnABot [...] v0.0.1".

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information).

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

fhoueto-amz commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this, We will look into it.