aws / amazon-chime-sdk-js

A JavaScript client library for integrating multi-party communications powered by the Amazon Chime service.
Apache License 2.0
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SDK Does not Pass the Typechecker #2848

Open dairyisscary opened 4 months ago

dairyisscary commented 4 months ago

What happened and what did you expect to happen?

The file node_modules/amazon-chime-sdk-js/build/signalingprotocol/SignalingProtocol.d.ts does not pass typescript typechecker. I have elided the output but there are 22 instances of this same error:

node_modules/amazon-chime-sdk-js/build/signalingprotocol/SignalingProtocol.d.ts:7:26 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'Long' as a type.

7     timestampMs: (number|Long);

node_modules/amazon-chime-sdk-js/build/signalingprotocol/SignalingProtocol.d.ts:89:33 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'Long' as a type.

89     public timestampMs: (number|Long);


yarn why -R long
   └─ amazon-chime-sdk-js@npm:3.20.0 (via npm:^3.20.0)
      └─ protobufjs@npm:7.2.6 (via npm:^7.2.4)
         └─ long@npm:5.2.3 (via npm:^5.0.0)

yarn info typescript
└─ typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.3.3#optional!builtin<compat/typescript>::version=5.3.3&hash=e012d7
   ├─ Version: 5.3.3

skipLibCheck is false in my project

I did a manual patch of SignalingProtocol.d.ts to change and it seems to compile

-import Long = require("long");
+import type Long from "long";

Have you reviewed our existing documentation?

Reproduction steps

yarn run tsc as a downstream project that checks libs with "skipLibCheck": false in one's tsconfig.json

Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript version

posted above

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


Browser version


Meeting and Attendee ID Information.

No response

Browser console logs


ltrung commented 3 months ago

What typescript version are you using?

dairyisscary commented 3 months ago

As specificed in the original issue, this was produced in typescript version 5.3.3, though it still appears to be the case in 5.4.x.

I have made a minmalist reproduction with a replit here:

i think that some combination of the tsconfig.json configuration options module, moduleResolution and of course, skipLibCheck: false are what make the semantics of this particular line import Long = require("long"); invalid here. 🤷