aws / amazon-ecs-cli

The Amazon ECS CLI enables users to run their applications on ECS/Fargate using the Docker Compose file format, quickly provision resources, push/pull images in ECR, and monitor running applications on ECS/Fargate.
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create ECS service with service discovery in public dns namespace fails #944

Open diablodale opened 4 years ago

diablodale commented 4 years ago


Unable to create ECS service with public dns namespace service discovery. Multiple failure scenarios.



version: v1
default: frontend
    cluster: frontend
    region: us-east-1
    default_launch_type: EC2


version: '3'
    image: alpine:3.10
    command: tail -f /dev/null
    hostname: coolthing


version: 1
  ecs_network_mode: bridge
  task_role_arn: ecs_task_frontend_hidale
  task_execution_role: ecs_agent_frontend_hidale
    mem_limit: 200
    cpu_limit: 512

      - type: distinctInstance

    container_name: coolthing
    container_port: 8123
      #id: Z11DHWRTAZEXOD
      name: coolthing.internal
      description: cool thing created by the Amazon ECS CLI
        type: SRV
        ttl: 60

Repo 1

  1. Edit ecs-params.yml.
  2. Replace the value with your Route53 DNS zone name without a trailing period
  3. Run the following
    ecs-cli compose --file docker-compose.yml service up --cluster-config frontend --deployment-max-percent 100 --deployment-min-healthy-percent 0 --enable-service-discovery

Actual Result 1

INFO[0000] Using ECS task definition                     TaskDefinition="ecs-tutorial:63"
FATA[0001] Failed to find public namespace

Expected Result 1

No error and a SRV entry to be inserted into my public DNS zone.

Repo 2

  1. Edit ecs-params.yml.
  2. Replace the value with your Route53 DNS zone name with a trailing period
  3. Run the following
    ecs-cli compose --file docker-compose.yml service up --cluster-config frontend --deployment-max-percent 100 --deployment-min-healthy-percent 0 --enable-service-discovery

Actual Result 2

INFO[0000] Using ECS task definition                     TaskDefinition="ecs-tutorial:63"
FATA[0001] Failed to find public namespace

Expected Result 2

No error and a SRV entry to be inserted into my public DNS zone.

Repo 3

  1. Edit ecs-params.yml.
  2. Put a comment # at the start of the line line
  3. Remove the leading # at the start of the line #id: Z11DHWRTAZEXOD
  4. Replace this id with your Route53 zone id
  5. Run the following
    ecs-cli compose --file docker-compose.yml service up --cluster-config frontend --deployment-max-percent 100 --deployment-min-healthy-percent 0 --enable-service-discovery

Actual Result 3

INFO[0000] Using ECS task definition                     TaskDefinition="ecs-tutorial:63"
INFO[0000] Using existing namespace Z11DHWRTAZEXOD      
INFO[0002] Waiting for the Service Discovery Service to be created... 
INFO[0002] Cloudformation stack status                   stackStatus=CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
ERRO[0033] Failure event                                 reason="Z11DHWRTAZEXOD (Service: AWSServiceDiscovery; Status Code: 400; Error Code: NamespaceNotFound; Request ID: 39b306de-a80f-48a1-92ad-f766672d8fcf)" resourceType="AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service"
FATA[0033] Failed to find output ServiceDiscoveryServiceARN in stack amazon-ecs-cli-setup-service-discovery-service-frontend-ecs-tutorial

Expected Result 3

No error and a SRV entry to be inserted into my public DNS zone.


None known

marcelkottmann commented 4 years ago

Hello, is there any known workaround for this or any ecs cli version number that worked previously?

diablodale commented 4 years ago

Personally, I didn't find a workaround. I instead wrote my own SD engine w/ cloudwatch events and lambda that uses route53, EC2, and ECS apis. It fits my immediate needs (can't wait, gotta ship) while longer-term the AWS native SD solution can be sorted. I'm unclear if the problem is docs, lack of feature, bug in ecs-cli, or somewhere else. It was too open-ended for me to go on an unbounded bug hunt.

marcelkottmann commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. In the meantime I worked around this issue with a Route 53 ALIAS entry to an application loadbalancer and configured my ecs service as target group of this loadbalancer.

aaron-splicer commented 9 months ago

ok, I dug into this a bit and thought I'd share my findings. Hope this is the correct place to share this.

  1. Got failure with $ecs-cli compose up --public-dns-namespace The trick was to manually create a namespace here: Once I did, then the public-dns-namespace switch worked.
  2. Turns out that was a waste of time because per, "The DNS records created for a service discovery service always register with the private IP address for the task, rather than the public IP address, even when public namespaces are used."
  3. So, I then successfully used (fired up outta-the-box) a lamba from here:, (thanks Andreas Pasch). Note this only works for hosted zones created manually and not auto-created by "Cloud Map"