Closed chegewara closed 5 years ago
Hello @chegewara,
From awsfreertos i am using basically only main.c, without apps from DEMO_RUNNER_RunDemos
Hello @chegewara, Thanks for quick response. I didn't see the edit earlier about WIFI_NetworkAdd(). We will look into it when we get a chance, since ble-beta is still in 'beta' and we are actively working on it, it may take some time, due to other priorities. We will update once we find more information. Thanks.
Thanks, i can try to test against master and see if this problem exists in master too if this will help.
Hello @chegewara, Yes, if you can verify it, it will be great. Thanks!
Sorry, but it cant be tested against master branch. This is the reason:
is not implemented yet.
Also what i found is that AwsIotNetworkManager
is not implemented in master, and i am guessing all connections managing when wifi credentials are stored in nvs are handled by AwsIotNetworkManager
Yes, that's correct. AwsIotNetworkManager is new feature in ble-beta and WIFI_NetworkAdd is the new update from ESP. We will look into it as time permits and update the the issue. Thanks for your patience!
Thanks for support. Its not very urgent, because i still need some time before i deliver full app to the client.
i would say that NetworkManager should not try to reconnect when disconnect reason is 8 (WIFI_REASON_ASSOC_LEAVE
Further investigations shows me that the issue is because of this task:
which is also described in here:
Hello @chegewara ,
The WiFi Connect task is designed to keep WiFi connected that's why you are experiencing this behavior. You have two options:
Thanks for help and support, i found solution for my requirements. I am using 2 variables (1 for auto-connect and 1 for auto-reconnect):
static void prvWiFiNetworkStateChangeCallback( uint32_t ulNetworkType, AwsIotNetworkState_t xNetworkState, void* pvContext )
if( xNetworkState == eNetworkStateDisabled && autoReconnect )
xSemaphoreGive( xWiFiConnectLock );
void prvWiFiConnectTask( void * pvParams )
uint16_t ulNumNetworks, ulNetworkIndex;
TickType_t xWifiConnectionDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( wifiConnectDELAY_SECONDS * 1000 );
BaseType_t xWiFiConnected;
if( xSemaphoreTake( xWiFiConnectLock, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE )
xWiFiConnected = pdFALSE;
while( xWiFiConnected == pdFALSE )
ulNumNetworks = IotBleWifiProv_GetNumNetworks();
if( ulNumNetworks > 0 && autoConnect)
Its not perfect solution but it works for now.
Hi, is there option to stop auto-reconnect wifi even if wifi credentials are correct? I am using
but before i can do something app is reconnecting to AP. Thanks.EDIT this problem exists only when at least 1 WIFINetwork is stored in NVS with
into nvs, (esp32 device)