Open nick-mccomb-easygo opened 10 months ago
Describe the bug PIP doesn't work for me on iOS or Android - it does nothing at all on both.
To reproduce
const ref = useRef<IVSPlayerRef>(null); <IVSPlayer autoplay ref={ref} streamUrl={uri} // m3u8 stream style={} // width:"100%", height: 300 /> // then add a button that calls this ref.current?.togglePip();
I have updated AndroidManifest with:
android:resizeableActivity="true" android:supportsPictureInPicture="true" android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|keyboard|screenSize|locale|layoutDirection|fontScale|screenLayout|density|smallestScreenSize|orientation"
and checked this in XCode:
Expected behavior Video should go into picture-in-picture mode, but instead nothing happens. Should it just work?
Note: react-native-video PIP works on the same project
I am experiencing the same issue. Is there any update on this?
Describe the bug PIP doesn't work for me on iOS or Android - it does nothing at all on both.
To reproduce
I have updated AndroidManifest with:
and checked this in XCode:
Expected behavior Video should go into picture-in-picture mode, but instead nothing happens. Should it just work?