aws / amazon-managed-grafana-roadmap

Amazon Managed Grafana Roadmap
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Plugin installation #15

Closed dannyibishev closed 4 months ago

dannyibishev commented 2 years ago

As someone who uses Grafana, I would like the ability to be able to install and configure my own plugins.

I am currently interested in installing the official Sentry plugin.

samindaroshan commented 2 years ago

Yes, this would be a very useful functionality.

brodster2 commented 2 years ago

This would be useful for us too. Or at least add the GitHub plugin to the list of built-in plugins

CodinMoldovanu commented 2 years ago

+1, this would be extremely helpful.

karl-nordstrom commented 2 years ago

This is currently a blocker for us adopting AMG as our main dashboarding platform.

pbegg commented 1 year ago

We use use custom plugins and really could use this feature

xinin commented 1 year ago

Yes please!!!

For us it is impossible to use Managed Grafana if We can't install our own plugins.

himallik commented 1 year ago

I am working on SaaS transformation of product portfolio of one of the largest ISV customer. Customer developed custom plug-in to AWS managed Grafana. Customer wants to see how to add it to the product.

endymion commented 1 year ago

Our feasibility research has concluded that Amazon Managed Grafana will not be useful for us until we can install our own plugins.

Another show-stopper for us is that the "embed" feature for sharing a panel doesn't work with Amazon Managed Grafana. We could work around this through plugins if we could install our own.

romanathappymoney commented 1 year ago

It would be handy for some plugins to make it into defaults, such as JSON API.

KholdStare commented 1 year ago

Any updates? This functionality would save us so much time.

yestalgia commented 1 year ago

We don't need custom ones, but I'd add PictureIt and Diagram to the request list.

I would also like to know if the remaining grafana-signed plugins are going to be added.

mwarnerdotme commented 1 year ago

+1 for this! Especially the Grafana signed plugins.

harrisd19 commented 1 year ago

This would also be a huge time saver for us to be able to leverage a managed Grafana instance!

yossiv commented 1 year ago

no custom DS or plugins, no AMG for me.. sorry

baxterjo commented 1 year ago

This is the most commented on and second most upvoted issue in the roadmap and the status hasn't changed in over a year. Can we have an update @mhausenblas?

Steinbachson commented 1 year ago

This is definitely the main reason why we cannot fully cover our use cases with grafana. Would be great to see this soon :)

thebearinmind commented 1 year ago

+1, same here, please include this feature since there are a lot of data sources that are missing from defaults!

felipefdl commented 1 year ago


heldersepu commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this? very interested on the Analytics Panel:

Yunhao-Jiao commented 1 year ago

+1 The blocker for us to onboard to AMG, at least signed plugins should be supported

dnascimento commented 1 year ago

+1 could you add Octopus plugin?

jhoulihan commented 1 year ago

It would be handy for some plugins to make it into defaults, such as JSON API.

The functionality of Grafana Infinity Datasource would be a great plugin for AMG!

dannyibishev commented 12 months ago

Whenever this does get picked up, it would also be great if we can choose which plugin versions we want to use.

For example. The Amazon Athena plugin latest version is 2.10.1 but the installed plugin version is 2.2.0

AdiSchwartz869 commented 11 months ago

OnCall plugin

skylou commented 11 months ago

+1 , Sentry Plugin

lakshmiramteja commented 11 months ago

OnCall plugin

martinbruntsch commented 10 months ago

+1, Grafana Image Renderer

tekvoid commented 10 months ago

As someone mentioned, having control over the version installed would solve lots of peoples issues. Right now the zabbix plugin installed version is 4.2.10, which is a known problem for zabbix 6.4 and needs zabbix plugin 4.4.0 to resolve the issue.

Is there a process to update a plugin? There have been multiple releases since the version currently available to me?

jschuld commented 10 months ago

:+1, Grafana Treemap, but in general, not having the official grafana plugins available in AMG is a bit downside.

michael-ortiz commented 10 months ago

Synthetics Monitoring and OnCall Plugin!

ts-sean-foley commented 10 months ago

Timepicker Buttons Panel plugin would be very useful to us.

mhessel commented 9 months ago

Comparison Panel plugin!

east4ming commented 8 months ago

+1 Plugins: Infinity

samfenwick commented 8 months ago

It would be super helpful if we could use the Druid Plugin

VermaPriyanka commented 7 months ago

Amazon Managed Grafana now supports discovery and installation of Grafana community plugins. Additionally, you can update the plugin version yourself in your workspace.

You would need to enable Plugin management from the Amazon Managed Grafana console, which will allow administrators in your workspace to discover, install, update and uninstall plugins.

Note that you can only install plugins from the list of plugins displayed in the Plugin catalog in your Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.

What's New | User Guide | Blog post Refer to the announcement here -

michael-ortiz commented 7 months ago

@VermaPriyanka, this is a good advancement! Yet I don't see OnCall plugin. Is this expected to be added the the plugin catalog?

VermaPriyanka commented 7 months ago

@michael-ortiz Plugins that require additional configurations/dependencies or more validation are still not in the catalog, and will be evaluated before getting added to the catalog.

dana-Navee commented 7 months ago

Hello @VermaPriyanka , Grafana Image Renderer seems to still be not on the list , though its Grafanalab based and very useful plugin , any idea if there are plans to include it any time soon ?

rcosperec commented 7 months ago

Yeah, Grafana Image Renderer really is an addition the AGM userbase is looking for.

VermaPriyanka commented 7 months ago

@dana-Navee @sk5-rcosperec Grafana Image Renderer is definitely a useful plugin. Please share your use-cases that you would like to address with this plugin.

SoftwareHPT commented 7 months ago

Hi @VermaPriyanka, do you know if there is any interest in the support of the Video plugin by Innius? My team is trying to develop a dashboard that can display metrics about a product being tested and a real-time video of the product being tested. It would help us showcase current progress to clients in one complete package, thanks.

dana-Navee commented 7 months ago

Hey @VermaPriyanka , we need it to do integration reporting between grafana and other tools we use. (Image Notification)

For example we want to schedule sending a specific panel screenshot daily to a slack chanel (to report numbers , etc) and "Grafana Image Renderer" helps in achieving that.

rcosperec commented 7 months ago

Hello @VermaPriyanka !

Pretty much the same use case as already described, this plugin is mainly used when integrating Grafana alerts to slack, discord or else.

It gives a quick, precise and visual information to whoever is OnCall when alerts arise.

Having the image of the latest data allows to skip the step where the person in charge has to go check on Grafana directly to know what's up and jump right on addressing the issue.

Right now classical alerts are the only one who are usable for such purpose, but I believe the support for this plugin is another step in improving the alerting capabilities of Grafana Managed, alongside the work on unified alerting.

michael-ortiz commented 7 months ago

+1 for Image Renderer. We need this as well!

Murat-on-github commented 6 months ago

I really need Bubble chart plug in to make use of Graphana. It is not available for AMG

ilkerispir commented 5 months ago

Image renderer plugin needs to be added by default.

VermaPriyanka commented 4 months ago

Thanks all for the inputs. Grafana image renderer request has a Github issue of it's own: Will close this one, so individual plugin requests can be tracked separately. The revised Bubble chart version is v10 compatible, we can track this request as a part for v10 requested features.