aws / amazon-managed-grafana-roadmap

Amazon Managed Grafana Roadmap
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Automated Backups for Grafana #53

Open rsheldon-ansira opened 1 year ago

rsheldon-ansira commented 1 year ago

I would like to request that AWS Managed Grafana support automated backups, much like it does for other services, e.g.

A partial solution to this would be to allow a backup/restore to S3, as S3 can be replicated to another region easily.

While Grafana dashboards store the last 20 versions of themselves, it's very easy to spin through 20 version quickly (in an hour) if you're actively editing and testing a dashboard. Also, this isn't a "real" back up solution, as it's all held within the grafana DB, and not externally. It also doesn't cover alerts, datasources, teams etc.

For example:

Without the ability to backup Grafana, which is mostly built by direct UI manipulation (dashboards), it doesn't really fit well into an Enterprise, esp one which is required to have a DR solution.

saefty commented 6 months ago

There is which seems like the tool you are looking for. It supports recovery from s3.

rsheldon-ansira commented 1 month ago

While there is a pattern for doing this as pointed out, I don't consider this adequate. AMG is a "managed" service, and I shouldn't have to build and deploy stuff just to back it up. It should be built in like RDS backups, and integrated with AWS Backup to have Grafana considered a real "Managed" solution.