aws / amazon-neptune-for-graphql

Amazon Neptune utility for GraphQL™ schemas and resolvers
Apache License 2.0
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Auto-resolver for maps in input types #11

Open AndreaNassisi opened 10 months ago

AndreaNassisi commented 10 months ago

The utility generates or ingests a GraphQL schema, in which input types can be maps. Generating a resolver that inference a single graph query that creates or merge multiple nodes and edges at once, following the map data structure and the schema directives.

Example The GraphQL schema has a type Person that includes a list of type Todo, and each the Todo includes a list of Comment. A corresponed set of nested input types: PersonInput, TodoInput, and CommentInput. The graph database connects the nodes with label person, todo, and comment with edges of type has.

type Person @alias(property: "person") {
    firstName: String
    todos: [Todo] @relationship(edgeType: "HAS", direction: OUT)

type Todo @alias(property: "todo") {
    name: String
    description: String
    priority: Int
    status: String
    comments: [Comment] @relationship(edgeType: "HAS", direction: OUT)

type Comment @alias(property: "comment") {
    content: String

input PersonInput {
    firstName: String
    todos: [TodoInput]

input TodoInput {
    name: String
    description: String
    priority: Int
    status: String
    comments: [CommentInput]

input CommentInput {
    content: String

type Mutation {
    createNodePerson(input: PersonInput!, merge: [String]): Person

type Query {
    # Create Poster
    getNodePerson(filter: PersonInput): Person
    # Create Todo
    getNodeTodo(filter: TodoInput): Todo

schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation

The mutation createNodePerson accept as input a map, validated by the nested input types of the schema, like:

mutation MyMutation {
  createNodePerson( input: {
    firstName: "John", 
    todos: [
        name: "code", 
        comments: [
          {content: "I like it"},
          {content: "Will do more"}
        name: "FAQ",
        comments: [
          {content: "I like it too"},
          {content: "just when I need it"}

The resolver will parse the input and based of the schema will create a single openCypher query that creates the nodes and the edges at once.

The option merge toggle if a node type in the map is always created or merged, meaning finding and connecting an existing node. The merge option is a list like ["todos", "todos.comments"].