Describe the use case example you want to see
Example showing how to utilise tree collection metrics captured from XGBoost estimator object
How would this example be used? Please describe.
Use XGBoost estimator, collect tree metrics, from debugger hook and visualize the tree metrics in an interpretable manner
Describe which SageMaker services are involved
Sagemaker Debugger
**Describe what other services (other than SageMaker) are involved***
Describe the use case example you want to see Example showing how to utilise tree collection metrics captured from XGBoost estimator object
How would this example be used? Please describe. Use XGBoost estimator, collect tree metrics, from debugger hook and visualize the tree metrics in an interpretable manner
Describe which SageMaker services are involved Sagemaker Debugger
**Describe what other services (other than SageMaker) are involved*** NA