aws / amazon-ssm-agent

An agent to enable remote management of your EC2 instances, on-premises servers, or virtual machines (VMs).
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Unable to dial connection to server: dial tcp :23760: connect: connection refused #357

Open dhulmul opened 3 years ago

dhulmul commented 3 years ago

I am using amazon ssm to start a connection between my local machine and a backend server in a private network using a jump server. On checking the logs on jump server for amazon-ssm-agent logs, I constantly get this error message:

ERROR [ssm-session-worker] [***] [DataBackend] [pluginName=Port] Unable to dial connection to server: dial tcp :23760: connect: connection refused

Restarting the jump server makes the error go away at times. Could anyone suggest what could be going wrong here?

danr-amz commented 3 years ago

Can you please provide the following details to help us investigate the issue?

Thank you.

dhulmul commented 3 years ago

Name : amazon-ssm-agent Arch : aarch64 Version : 3.0.655.0

NAME="Amazon Linux" VERSION="2" ID="amzn" ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora" VERSION_ID="2" PRETTY_NAME="Amazon Linux 2" ANSI_COLOR="0;33" CPE_NAME="cpe:2.3:o:amazon:amazon_linux:2" HOME_URL=""

None I can think of, let me know if you need any specifics.

The following command runs on the local machine:

  CMD="'sudo socat -d -d TCP4-LISTEN:$REM_PORT,fork TCP4:$REMOTE_HOST'"
  INVOCATION_COMMAND_ID=$(aws ssm send-command --instance-ids "${INSTANCE_ID}" \
    --document-name 'AWS-RunShellScript' \
    --parameters "commands=$CMD,executionTimeout=$TIMEOUT" --output json | jq -r '.Command.CommandId')

  aws ssm start-session --target "${INSTANCE_ID}" \
    --document-name "AWS-StartPortForwardingSession" \
    --parameters "portNumber=$REM_PORT,localPortNumber=$LOCAL_PORT"

This happens on multiple instances of jump server and also on connecting to different system, Database and Application Server alike.

It's erratic, if there are multiple connections in a short period, the problem happens very soon like in a minute. Sometimes it works fine for hours and then it persist for a long time.

Another observation: Sessions seem to linger from past when I go to AWS Systems Manager->Session Manager and check the sessions. I suspect adding reuseaddr option to socat command might fix that? Also, if I check Session History tab, there are sessions which are in "Terminating state" from more than a week!

dhulmul commented 3 years ago

@danr-amz any updates? I could see sessions in "Terminating" state from more than 2 weeks in the Session History Tab.

Thor-Bjorgvinsson commented 3 years ago

Hey @dhulmul , the terminating session issue has been resolved, can you confirm on your side they are no longer in terminating state?

VishnuKarthikRavindran commented 3 years ago

Hi @dhulmul , Are we still seeing this issue?

dhulmul commented 3 years ago

@Thor-Bjorgvinsson @VishnuKarthikRavindran I can't see any sessions in terminating state as of now. Could you please tell what was the issue? Thank you.

ronkorving commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to achieve the port forwarding to another host (DocumentDB), but am running into some challenges.

May I ask which AMI you're using that has socat installed on it? I'm running my EC2 machine in a private subnet without an internet connection (by design), and can't simply yum install it.

The image I'm currently using is based on resolve:ssm:/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 by the way.

kkrav3ts commented 2 years ago

Did you manage to find the resolution for this issue?

ronkorving commented 2 years ago

I've been able to resolve my issues 👍 (but I didn't create this issue)

Khayuum commented 2 years ago

@ronkorving I am also facing the same issue. Could you please let me know the solution ? it will be helpful for me. Thank you

ronkorving commented 2 years ago

@Khayuum AWS recently released the AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost document. Look for that :)


aws ssm start-session \
  --target "${INSTANCE_ID}" \
  --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost \
  --parameters "{\"host\":[\"${REMOTE_HOST}\"],\"portNumber\":[\"${REMOTE_PORT}\"], \"localPortNumber\":[\"${LOCAL_PORT}\"]}"