aws / apprunner-roadmap

This is the public roadmap for AWS App Runner.
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AWS Console - Persist Application Logs timeframe filter and fix order of log lines #190

Closed joelbarnard closed 8 months ago

joelbarnard commented 1 year ago

Community Note

Tell us about your request Update the AWS Console to persist the timeframe selected when viewing Application Logs. Currently it defaults to "Last 1 Day", however for my application this makes no sense....I continuously have to select "5 minutes".

Also, the ordering of events in the Application Log is wrong (lines with same timestamp are random)...CloudWatch logs shows them in the correct order.

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context Anything else we should know?

Attachments If you think you might have additional information that you'd like to include via an attachment, please do - we'll take a look. (Remember to remove any personally-identifiable information.)

jsheld commented 8 months ago

The console does not modify the ordering of events from CloudWatch so multiple events with the same timestamp should be shown in the same order in the console that CW shows them. We did make a change here to display events from oldest to newest but apart from that, all logic remains the same as it was. If this issue persists, please feel free to reopen it.