aws / apprunner-roadmap

This is the public roadmap for AWS App Runner.
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Bug: Unable to link a subdomain from Route53 to App Runner #228

Open richardm opened 5 months ago

richardm commented 5 months ago

I have a simple application consisting of a React SPA (CloudFront/S3) and a Node.js API hosted in App Runner. Because my root domain is pointed to CloudFront, I need to point a subdomain, like to my App Runner instance.

The docs and press releases claim I can go to my App Runner service -> Custom domains -> link domains -> Amazon Route 53 and link a custom sub-domain, but the only domain available to select is my root domain name, which I already have pointed to CloudFront. I don't see any way to specify a subdomain.

jeffkeller-einc commented 5 months ago

@richardm I just went through this myself and the solution that worked for me was to not select Amazon Route 53 as the domain registrar. Select Non-Amazon instead and add the CNAME records to Route 53 separately. Then add an A record alias for the desired subdomain pointing to the app runner service.

neidiom commented 1 month ago

You can add a subdomain not as a CNAME but as an NS record and then add the subdomain as a root domain. All on Route53.